Brainmelter, Cabot, Classic, Peak Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Cabot, Classic, Peak Josh Duggan

Episode 158: Her Screams of Agony Are One of the High Points of the Episode, Emotionally (S5E3 Mother)

Two dipshit wannabe writers on an uptown depravity tour lead the detectives at SVU into a truly outlandish world populated by avenging sister-moms and serial-rapists-made-good who are pushed back into serial raping by the heavy-handed approach of Stabler & Co. Along the way we learn about cleaning fish, proper wine breathing etiquette, and whether or not Ricardo from the Java Barn is the right guy to ask for illicit hard drugs. This episode revels in the early season insanity. Does it make sense? Does it have to?

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Episode 157: I Don’t Think She’s a Val Gal (S19E11 Flight Risk)

Imagine a world in which pilots were quasi-celebrities before having performed some heroic feat. No really imagine it. Then imagine a world where the heroic feat they perform to make them even more famous could only have happened because 9/11 must not have happened and a pilot could be left alone in a cockpit, locking the entire flight crew out while she erratically turns the plane around because she doesn't want to be trapped in the cockpit with her rapist. Then imagine that this is all occurring at an airline with a retrograde hypersexualized ad campaign that harks back to the ads for which Dick Wolf was responsible in his ad man days. Because this SVU does all that.

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Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Amaro Josh Duggan Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Amaro Josh Duggan

Episode 155: King Sebastian and the Manual Release (S14E7 Vanity’s Bonfire)

You'd think that an SVU centered around Scott Bakula tricking his mistress into putting their love child up for adoption would lend itself to hours of Quantum Leap conversation wondering just how Ziggy and Al let this whole situation get this out of hand, and that definitely happens, but so does a dive into a pretty heinous guest star, who lived through some gnarly trauma and then doled out plenty herself.

Just as important though, this episode emphatically chides parents who have the temerity to try to parent AND use their cell phones at the same time, and makes you wonder how more parents aren't clocking clear pedos at the park. If you ever wanted to know how to artificially inseminate your significant other in the comfort of your own home, Adam tries to tell you while Josh derails the conversation. And both Adam and Josh cry during this episode for very different reasons.

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Episode 154: Sniffing Cold Pies Lasciviously (S16E20 Daydream Believer)

Wherein we meet a terrifyingly gross Greg Yates for the first time and are forced to dive deep into the One Chicago Universe. Along the way, we speculate about the lives we will live once we become avid Chicago Fire fans, whether or not it's worth your time smelling a cold pie, why it's sad when hardened cops can't unlock a Camry, and, of course, the answer to the question every Munchie will have upon watching this megasode: exactly how many times did Greg Yates cum during that trial?

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Brainmelter, Cabot, Peak, Stunt-casting Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Cabot, Peak, Stunt-casting Josh Duggan

Episode 153: Make ‘Em Space Communists That Are Waiting for Sentient Dolphins to Come Impregnate Us (S4E24 Perfect)

Another SVU, another bizarre cult. This time around, a certifiable quack of the cloning-will-save-humankind-from-the-depleting-ozone-layer variety has an entire organization hornswoggling teen girls with low self-esteem into becoming his own personal baby factories. Don't worry, it's not just non-sexual sex cult action we're dealing with this time around. No, we've got police brandishing their weapons and running hilariously, accents that spin you around, and surprising restraint from a cult leader who seems much more interested in playing God than hide the salami. Of course, talk of claims of human cloning took Adam down a strange rabbit hole into the Raëlians, and there are some wildly unexpected revelations with regards to this week’s guest stars, so there’s a ton of munchy weirdness afoot this week.

Alt episode title this week? Her Mouth Is a Melting Pot.

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Episode 152: I Gave Your Mom a Guardian Ad Litem End-Around (S5E19 Sick)

In an episode Adam already covered on his guestisode of the These Are Their Stories Pod, we watched a preposterous reimagining of the various Michael Jackson sexual abuse allegations in which an uber-wealthy toy mogul lures children into his low-rent pirate-themed sex lair to dress them up in precious pajamas and have his way with them. Was it fun? Yes, absolutely. Did it feature enough lemur? Sadly, no.

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Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Novak, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Novak, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan

Episode 151: This Is Basically SVU’s Rashomon (S9E3 Impulsive)

This installment of SVU pits very recognizable teacher against an also recognizable student in a he-said-she-gonorrhea'd-me/she-said-he-raped-me exercise in who can we believe for the Unit and the audience. Sure, the teacher is Sabrina/Clarissa, but if we know anything about this show, it's hard to believe the potentially stuntcasted. And, yeah, the kid is basically known for playing quiet lunatics, but they can't both have done it, right? This one's fun AND strains credulity in all the best ways.

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Brainmelter, Late, Carisisode Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Late, Carisisode Josh Duggan

Episode 149: He’s Basically the Gentrifying Rapist (S17E19 Sheltered Outcasts)

Sonny Carisi gets down and dirty with some pretty gnarly dudes in this week's SVU, which sends dearest Dominick undercover into a shelter populated by paroled sex offenders. One (or more?) of these parolees appears to be raping neighborhood women and the Unit has to figure out who's doing it before Carisi gets beaten to a pulp by meathead vigilantes. Luckily Michael Rapaport is around to save Carisi's bacon once, but is he the guy? This mostly effective episode leaves Carisi wondering aloud if maybe the sex offender registry is unfair when compared to say a murderer who gets out and doesn't have to tell a soul that they cut off someone's head with a dull machete.

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Peak, Classic, Cabot, Greylek, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Peak, Classic, Cabot, Greylek, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 148: The Post-Micturition Dribble (S10E15 Lead)

What happens when a trusted pediatrician is found to have extra-medically milked many young boys urethras over the years? Well in SVU, he is brutally beaten to death by one of his former victims who himself was doubly victimized as his Pica led him to eat the lead paint off of cheap toy cars which permanently stunted his development and planted the seeds of his rage. Come for Alexandra Cabot's jaw dropping Season 10 return, stay for Kim Greylek's unceremonious act 2 poochie'ing, and go home with a delightfully detailed breakdown of what exactly blood alcohol content means and whether or not the arrogant rich guy could have blown a 2.2 and kept driving.

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Pre-history, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Pre-history, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 147: Knowing that Layla Is in Finance Only Tweaks Munch’s Kink-Sensing Nips More (S1E9 Stocks & Bondage)

This week the Munchie Boys travel back into the Pre-History of SVU, before it knew what it was but when it definitely knew what it wanted to be: salacious, outrageous, and just a little bit pervy. "Stocks & Bondage" marked the show's first dalliances into the world of BDSM, and it wastes little time getting weird as hell. So come along for the ride, and get familiar with The Human Ashtray, comely leather salespeople who seem to have an interest in Cassidy (and who Cassidy is decidedly into), and Tennesseans who should never have been let out of the state. And if we're talking finance, as the episode's title implies, you know things are going to get pretty dark in this one, so strap on--I mean, strap in.

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Brainmelter, Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 146: He Keistered Her Entire Collection of Pens (S2E19 Parasites)

Season 2 SVUs typically mean one thing, and that is bonkers plots stacked on plots with bizarre flourishes stuffed in, and in that regard, this frantic ride does not disappoint. We talk underground hydrangea markets and age-progression specialists, correct the record vis-à-vis erotic versus autoerotic asphyxiation, meet Martin's obscure Amis brother, and find out just who is leaving their rare orchid pollen on our victim's panties.

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Brainmelter, Rollinsisode, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Rollinsisode, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 145: They’re Wasting No Time in Letting Logue Brogue (S15E17 Gambler’s Fallacy)

If there is an episode of SVU featuring a worse version of Bad Amanda Rollins, the Munchie Boys have yet to come across it. Gambling Amanda gets in Dutch with an improbable art forgery/gambling outfit who use her massive debts to them to get her to be their evidence-disappearing cop on the take. Rollins do so much to warrant her immediate firing that it's shocking she made it another decade past this. More than that, for a solid half-hour, we're left to think she was forced to blow Declan while he's undercover in his first appearance. Dark, bad stuff is afoot, but don't worry, we also take plenty of detours into improbable names paired with nonsensical accents, Logue going full brogue, and how being an art history major from an Ivy makes you immune from the heat.

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Brainmelter, Peak, Classic, Pantheon Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Peak, Classic, Pantheon Josh Duggan

Episode 144: He’s Wearing a Pedo Sweater (S12E4 Merchandise)

Helen of Troy might have had the face that launched a thousand ships, but this gem of a Season 12 SVU is the problematic hellscape that launched the Munch My Benson ranking system. Kids are never safe in SVU, and in this episode we see kids casually listing their prostitution fees, kids getting Meet-Joe-Blacked outside of a farmers' market, kids getting chained up and forced to drink cyanide, and kids destroying a bespoke, heirloom blueberry compote. This is one hell of a ride. Enjoy!

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Brainmelter, Pre-history, Livisode Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Pre-history, Livisode Josh Duggan

Episode 143: Whatever, We’re Just Gonna Leave This Dangling (S1E8 Stalked)

SVU takes on Big Realty this week, so Adam and Josh strapped in for a wild ride from pre-historical Season 1, where reason--and any future plotting with a big, bad bogeyman--goes to die. Liv ends up in the perp's crosshairs for the first of so, so, so many times, but not until a child and his grandfather are scared away from frisbee in the park forever, a corpse with a shocking hole in the middle of its head is shown to the delicate sensibilities of network TV viewers, and Munch idly wonders if it actually wasn't a coincidence that the (faked?) moon landing was scheduled to distract the public from Chappaquiddick. Season 1 eps can be quite the fever dream, and "Stalked" is no exception.

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Brainmelter, Carisi, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Carisi, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 142: I'm Not Gonna Kink Shame a 12-Year-Old (S23E11 Burning With Rage Forever)

In our first brush with Season 23, the Randomizer ( gifted us with the sight of that precious little Baby Boy Doe himself locked in a cage being forced to eat dog food by one of his friends. This kind of depravity only happens on SVU, folks. Of course, the madness only begins there as we are treated to a truly bonkers world where no child is ever, EVER safe. Along the way, the Munchie Boys go way off the rails with loads of esoteric content. Fans of that stuff will really enjoy the unedited Patreon edition which features an additional 40 minutes of fun.

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Episode 141: Tension’s Building in the Amandolas Relationship (S16E8 Spousal Privilege)

Josh and Adam--both of whom are pretty big fans of Cutty in The Wire--are forced to watch an episode this week where Chad L. Coleman is seen Ray Rice-ing his special lady friend, played by the wonderful Meagan Good. That's not fun to watch, but it's also not fun to watch the SVUs acting against the victim's vehement wishes. It's even less fun to watch after Amaro (who is just back from beating a perp to within an inch of his life) blows up in the opening scene of "Spousal Privilege" (Season 16, Episode 8), making the audience wonder just what qualities in outburst-prone people determine that they get a second chance.

Don't worry, the Munchie Boys also use this episode to revel in RedChanIt, take notice of how many of the SVUs were abused as children, and dive deep into the life of NYC’s first black mayor, David Dinkins, who randomly had two lines in this episode.

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Finisode, Kenisode, Brainmelter, Classic, Novak Josh Duggan Finisode, Kenisode, Brainmelter, Classic, Novak Josh Duggan

Episode 139: We Might’ve Seen Peen, Everybody (S7E5 Strain)

The Munchie Boys are dealt an SVU episode with super-AIDS and methed-out party boys running roughshod all over the gay party scene. This one is chock-full of problems, in all the best ways. How far does it go? Well, let's just say that if you have to wonder whether you're seeing hand or dong on a posed nude corpse, you found yourself in a pretty wild place.

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Episode 138: There's No Freezer Burn In That Hair (S20E10 Alta Kockers)

Have you ever heard the old joke about the longest-running scripted drama in television history doing a bizarre ripped-from-the-headlines episode about two aging, hoarder brothers as a convoluted excuse to say nasty slurs on primetime TV? Oh, you haven't? Well, after you've seen "Alta Kockers," you will have. Oh, and one of these brothers, who hasn't left his mother's house since 1976, somehow becomes the literary voice of the present generation via his anonymously published novel. Sure.

This one is about as absurd as SVU gets, but thankfully wonderful moments from legends Judd Hirsch and Wallace Shawn, and some truly standout background acting prevent this from being an all-time stinker.

Plus: Special Contibutor Natalie graciously joined Josh with a dissenting opinion to tell us why our ranking of 'Service" (S19E18) which we covered in MMB 119 - No, Rollins Is A Tactile Detective was unfair.

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Episode 135: Only SVU Is Able to Backdoor in Some Kiddie Porn (S17E3 Transgender Bridge)

To say Law & Order: SVU's historic treatment of the transgender community is fraught with problems is an understatement of epic proportions, and this week's episode--S17E13 Transgender Bridge--makes, ummm, progress? Of course, it's incremental at best, and much of the ground gained is immediately lost by jamming the episode full of racial stereotyping that plays rough.

This week's episode pushed the Munchie Boys so far out of their comfort zone that they brought in reinforcements in the form of a guest segment (for Munchies, this will be as an entirely separate Bonus Episode) with gracious trans listener Summer, who hopefully makes up for the two cishet honkies who host this weekly show and is more qualified to speak on how this episode still had a lot of work to do to get things right.

Hold onto your butts. This is a long one.

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Cabot, Cabotisode, Peak, Classic, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Cabot, Cabotisode, Peak, Classic, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 134: This Overreach Isn’t Going to Assuage Your Guilt, Alex, but Maybe Dripping Candle Wax on Benson Will (S3E18 Guilt)

When a sting to catch a groomer pedo goes sideways in a New Jersey train station, Alexandra Cabot disregards due process, civil rights, and decades of precedents in the pursuit of a conviction. We see the SVU debut of everyone's favorite legal hard ass, Elizabeth Donnelly, we learn about a particularly outlandish purchase that Josh is contemplating, and we definitively answer that age old question: Who's the boss? Those wanting Adam's airport rankings or our views on the relegation system in world football are encouraged to sign up for the Munchies tier on our Patreon. Enjoy!

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