Brainmelter, Stone, Cassidysode Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Stone, Cassidysode Josh Duggan

Episode 28: Winters Is Coming (S19E14 Chasing Demons)

Another Paternity Leave Installment, and we we're digging into the back catalog for one we really didn't like... As mentioned over the past couple of months, this is content that's been behind the Patreon paywall for a while.

For the 28th installment of Munch My Benson, the Randomizer forced Josh and Adam to watch an SVU that featured very little in the way of Law or Order but a whole lot of Mayhem. That's right folks, this episode, "Chasing Demons" (S19E14) brings SVU's favorite liability insurance pitchman, Dean Winters, back into the fold for 45 minutes of questionable acting choices. As ever, we digress. Does your mom's favorite SVU podcast feature spicy hot melon takes, comparative studies of European legal systems' wardrobes, or ruminations on the divine nature of the trinity? Didn't think so.

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Brainmelter, Stone, Stoneisode, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Stone, Stoneisode, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 233: Nips Out and a Necktie (S20E9 Mea Culpa)

This week, ADA Peter Stone's fast and loose lifestyle during his younger days when he was still a baseball player comes screaming into the world of our SVUs. What happens when a main cast member is the lead suspect in the case the SVUs are investigating? Well, that largely depends on the showrunner and the according professionalism with which they execute the production of a television show. In this case, we're watching an episode from Season 20, and the results are... NOT GREAT, BOB.

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Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 227: No Good Has Ever Come from Snapping with a Chase (S20E20 The Good Girl)

A teen girl in a domestic disturbance call ends up being pregnant and unwilling to divulge much information about who provided the batter for the bun in her oven. While fighting off the urge to vomit, the Munchie Boys dive into the disgusting reality of what stepkid smut would have you believe is titillating but ABSOLUTELY is not. They also take up arms in a fight that must be waged, defending the honor of a state being unjustly impugned by a writers staff with wanton disregard for actual laws on the books.

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Brainmelter, Stone, Two-Parter Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Stone, Two-Parter Josh Duggan

Episode 221: Can Credits Just Roll in Very Slo-Mo? (S20E2 Man Down)

Picking up where we left off in MMB 219, we had a SUPER bad dad who was just found not guilty of ummm, SAing his son to show him what a real man is. The Munchie Boys were left to wonder what fresh hell awaited them upon returning to this foul ground in a second part that seemed unnecessary, and this one did not disappoint in terms of exceeding their already low expectations. There are bad episodes of SVU, and then there's this week's installment, which achieves lows hitherto reached only once before.

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Two-Parter, Stone, Brainmelter, Late Josh Duggan Two-Parter, Stone, Brainmelter, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 219: His Pecs Were Unleashed (S20E1 Man Up)

There are bad dads, and then there’s the one played by Dylan Walsh in the two-parter to kick off Season 20 of Law & Order: SVU. Be prepared for some gnarly stuff. Also, be prepared to watch the seasoned detectives on this unit have no idea how to investigate crimes they’ve been investigating for decades. At least we get some pretty hawt Stone action in the cold open…

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Brainmelter, Stone Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Stone Josh Duggan

Episode 187: Like, We’re Asking If It’s Racist Against Midwesterners (S20E7 Caretaker)

Responding to a grisly crime scene, the Unit are called upon to investigate the murders of a father, daughter, and son, who were stabbed a bunch of times while they slept in their Upper West Side brownstone. As the case unfolds, a team of SVUs who've literally seen every horrible thing known to humankind, act shocked that a mother could murder her whole damn family to protect them from descending into the middle class.

Along the way, the Munchie Boys encounter characters who've been established for many years acting in ways that they wouldn't, fake NASCAR fandom, and a very bad mom/lawyer. Oh, and the episode forces one of them to do a particularly disturbing Google search for the umpteenth time in the history of this podcast.

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Episode 138: There's No Freezer Burn In That Hair (S20E10 Alta Kockers)

Have you ever heard the old joke about the longest-running scripted drama in television history doing a bizarre ripped-from-the-headlines episode about two aging, hoarder brothers as a convoluted excuse to say nasty slurs on primetime TV? Oh, you haven't? Well, after you've seen "Alta Kockers," you will have. Oh, and one of these brothers, who hasn't left his mother's house since 1976, somehow becomes the literary voice of the present generation via his anonymously published novel. Sure.

This one is about as absurd as SVU gets, but thankfully wonderful moments from legends Judd Hirsch and Wallace Shawn, and some truly standout background acting prevent this from being an all-time stinker.

Plus: Special Contibutor Natalie graciously joined Josh with a dissenting opinion to tell us why our ranking of 'Service" (S19E18) which we covered in MMB 119 - No, Rollins Is A Tactile Detective was unfair.

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Late, Stone Josh Duggan Late, Stone Josh Duggan

Episode 136: They Really Shared a Moment Over Those Chickpeas (S20E13 A Story Of More Woe)

Both Josh and Adam were a little sick when they recorded this one, but not nearly as sick as the twisted minds inside Michael Chernuchin’s SVU writers’ room who crafted this byzantine scheme wherein a 13-year-old girl convinces her 15-year-old sister to murder their own father, so she can become adopted by and live with the love of her life, a 30-something weirdo who lives down the hall who reads Shakespeare with her. Obviously, the Munchie Boys are forced to confront The Bard among many, many other topics including the real reason no one on SVU orders food at the Square Diner and the many spellings of “Catherine.”

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Episode 120: A Hostage Situation, but for the Viewers (S19E13 The Undiscovered Country)

When we asked our Patrons to select an episode for us to watch, we were asking for a choice as depraved and cruel as this, the episode that see beloved ADA Rafael Barba exit the show in ridiculous (and frankly, insulting) fashion. This episode has everything--if by 'everything' you mean bad acting, nonsensical writing, bizarre plot holes, and Phillip Winchester attempting to cry. Bad though this episode might be, we have so much to talk about including whether or not it's a good idea to rear a spite child, Adam's day at the museum, and the importance of a showrunner. Fans of our digressions should head over to Patreon to hear extensive deep dives into Japanese Onsen culture and minor league baseball.

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Late, Stone, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Late, Stone, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 119: No, Rollins Is a Tactile Detective (S19E18 Service)

Why does Rollins hate sex workers? Why is Wayne Knight only in this episode for two minutes? Why did they commit zero screen time to showing why the perp did what he did? Why did they rip this story from the headlines to inelegantly wedge trans rights into the final third of the show? We watched "Service" from Season 19, and ideally there would be answers to all of those questions, but the Season 19 qualifier is all you actually need to know. There may not be answers to your questions. Such is life in Season 19 of SVU.

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Finisode, Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan Finisode, Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 79: Tons of Cut Dudes in This Episode, and We Don’t Get to See Any of It (S19E21 Guardian)

The Munchie Boys faced down a stark depiction of hard-scrabble life in the projects in Guardian (Season 19, Episode 21). As this is Chernuchin’s special brand of SVU, nuance is nowhere to be seen, and stereotypes nearly exclusively populate this world. But don’t think that just because this episode centers around a brother who’s pimped out his mother and sister that there aren’t the typical diversions, including a diatribe on French roast, a dive into the Five Percent Nation and its influence on ‘90s hip-hop and preservation of New York in 1968, and a brief discussion about the grotesque miscarriage of justice that was the arrest and conviction of the Central Park Five. It’s just another wild week in Munchland.

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Late, Stone, Brainmelter, Two-Parter Josh Duggan Late, Stone, Brainmelter, Two-Parter Josh Duggan

Episode 72: I Went to College, I Have a Skill (S19E24 Remember Me Too)

When we watched the conclusion to the two-part Season 19 finale ("Remember Me Too" Episode 24), we might have taken the opportunity to research the migration patterns of monarch butterflies or the structure of the Sinaloa Cartel or the various degree programs at Gonzaga were this a standard, functional installment of SVU. Instead, we were treated to a mind-melting melange of unbelievable plot lines, inconceivable character motivations, and abysmal acting. Was it good? Obviously not. Did we have fun watching and then excoriating this complete and utter waste of network resources? You bet we did.

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Cassidysode, Late, Stone Josh Duggan Cassidysode, Late, Stone Josh Duggan

Episode 28: Winters Is Coming (S19E14 Chasing Demons)

For the 28th installment of Munch My Benson, the Randomizer forced Josh and Adam to watch an SVU that featured very little in the way of Law or Order but a whole lot of Mayhem. That's right folks, this episode, "Chasing Demons" (S19E14) brings SVU's favorite liability insurance pitchman, Dean Winters, back into the fold for 45 minutes of questionable acting choices. As ever, we digress. Does your mom's favorite SVU podcast feature spicy hot melon takes, comparative studies of European legal systems' wardrobes, or ruminations on the divine nature of the trinity? Didn't think so.

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