Episode 28: Winters Is Coming (S19E14 Chasing Demons)
Another Paternity Leave Installment, and we we're digging into the back catalog for one we really didn't like... As mentioned over the past couple of months, this is content that's been behind the Patreon paywall for a while.
For the 28th installment of Munch My Benson, the Randomizer forced Josh and Adam to watch an SVU that featured very little in the way of Law or Order but a whole lot of Mayhem. That's right folks, this episode, "Chasing Demons" (S19E14) brings SVU's favorite liability insurance pitchman, Dean Winters, back into the fold for 45 minutes of questionable acting choices. As ever, we digress. Does your mom's favorite SVU podcast feature spicy hot melon takes, comparative studies of European legal systems' wardrobes, or ruminations on the divine nature of the trinity? Didn't think so.
Episode 30: We Don’t Even Care About the Teenage Orgy (S11E1 Unstable)
Another Paternity Leave Installment, and this time, we went with a super problematic episode. As mentioned over the past few weeks, this is content that's been behind the Patreon paywall for a while. Patreon payments are frozen for the time being. New Munchies can't join as paying members until that's unpaused, but you can join as a free member and at least be kept abreast of pod news...
Well, we went a little long discussing "Unstable" the Season 11 premiere. Strap in for a wild ride through one of the most problematic episodes of SVU that the Munchie boys have covered. There are magical autistics, jaunty pimps, the worst of all bad cops who are bad, and plenty of weepy victims populating this insane romp which features quite possibly the best guest performance we've seen (Mahershala Ali)--at least as of 30 episodes in. Needless to say, we had a whole lot to talk about. Enjoy!
Episode 228: He Has His Mitts in More than Just the Drawers Drawers (S8E16 Philadelphia)
If watching beloved characters make terrible choices thereby endangering the careers and lives of basically everyone they come in contact with is your cup of tea, then this week's SVU starts hot and keeps on delivering. In it, we see Detective Olivia Benson blunder from one bad decision to another in a bizarre attempt to share a few giggles with a brother she'd never met until she started running an unauthorized, after hours stakeout on him. We also see Stabler, without house or family since we are deep into Season 8's bad Stabler, come very close to being kicked off the police force as a result of covering for his partner, and of course we see our beloved Captain Cragen have to clean up his "two best detectives" bullshit so many times that I'm shocked he survived this one without a massive coronary.
Episode 227: No Good Has Ever Come from Snapping with a Chase (S20E20 The Good Girl)
A teen girl in a domestic disturbance call ends up being pregnant and unwilling to divulge much information about who provided the batter for the bun in her oven. While fighting off the urge to vomit, the Munchie Boys dive into the disgusting reality of what stepkid smut would have you believe is titillating but ABSOLUTELY is not. They also take up arms in a fight that must be waged, defending the honor of a state being unjustly impugned by a writers staff with wanton disregard for actual laws on the books.
Episode 223: Why Don’t They Have Someone Sexily Peel off a CPAP? (S24E15 King Of The Moon)
There are strange eps of the longest running primetime drama in TV history, but none come close to matching what happens this week. To say that the last 4 minutes of this Law & Order: Special Victims Unit are unlike any moment in the show's 25+ years of existence would be an obscene understatement. Guest star Bradley Whitford goes for it in ways that you simply are not prepared to see.
Episode 219: His Pecs Were Unleashed (S20E1 Man Up)
There are bad dads, and then there’s the one played by Dylan Walsh in the two-parter to kick off Season 20 of Law & Order: SVU. Be prepared for some gnarly stuff. Also, be prepared to watch the seasoned detectives on this unit have no idea how to investigate crimes they’ve been investigating for decades. At least we get some pretty hawt Stone action in the cold open…
Episode 216: She’s Just Kim Novak-ing Bailee Madison (S12E1 Locum)
When an overprotective mom has a second daughter disappear, only to be accused of smothering the second daughter and murdering the first, you know SVU is going to be involved. This one features an aggressively weepy Joan Cusack and some seriously sassy kid work from Bailee Madison. Watch as the entire world gaslights this mom into insanity while she's right about what happened all along. Oh, Liv also turns down a date for no good reason.
Episode 203: We’ve Seen Kid Rapists (S22E1 Guardians And Gladiators)
The first episode back from lockdown and the tumultuous summer of 2020 has our SVUs grappling with their own existence. Can they reckon with the role they've played in the realm of copaganda? Can they talk about systemic racism without doing the racism themselves? Can they figure out how to wear masks in the throes of the pandemic? These are questions that the Munchie Boys are forced to answer in this navel-gazing episode of SVU.
Episode 197: It’s Like She’s Getting Pumped for Her WWE Fight (S24E11 Soldier Up)
Still in Three-Parter Land, the Munchie Boys tackle the middle chapter of the BX9 saga that sends our intrepid SVUs north to the Bronx, where they have to continue fixing Bronx SVU while Liv chases down the gang that took a run at her with machetes last week. This means Liv has to trust Captain Mike Duarte (a tall order for her), and this means that Duarte has to trust that Liv can relearn how to police without getting waylaid by tunnel vision, the thing that led to this situation in the first place but which Liv won't accede to being the case. Fortunately, we continue to get new blood working cases, which actually makes for some SVU that's probably more interesting than any 24th-season episode of a television show should be.
Episode 195: He Was Killed by Assassins, Ninja Assassins (S3E16 Popular)
If Popular is any indication, being a kid actor on SVU in the early days was not for the faint of heart. They’ll either have you playing a scumbag turning out your girlfriend for whichever old reason, or they’ll have you perping on your best friend’s girl who isn’t into you but who he instructed to bone you anyway despite the fact that you can’t stand him, or they’ll have you get turned out, contract gonorrhea, have your parents find out you’ve become ensnared in a beej-for-beer barter middle-school party scene, and have everyone say you are not attractive. No complexes developed here…
Episode 193: She Really Wants to Get Back to the Pretty Boy Perp with the Peen Prob that Elliot’s Probing (S8E19 Florida)
In this week's episode Florida, the Munchie Boys are dragged into the Simon Marsden Saga, leaving them wishing they'd had been sent to Florida on a pointless side mission like Dean Porter was in this one. Alas, they're fully immersed in this Liv-servicing backstory, one which errs into some pretty painful narrative territory and squanders a golden opportunity to dive into what should be rich and interesting waters. There's a lot of next-level bad policework being done, and we're subjected to Olivia Benson channeling the worst impulses of Elliot Stabler, Amanda Rollins, and Nick Amaro in an episode in which nearly every action she takes is anathema to the character we’ve all known for 25 years.
Episode 177: This Is a Civil Servant Sex Party in All the Worst Ways (S17E17 Manhattan Transfer)
The power brokers in New York Law Enforcement and the Catholic Church seem to be in cahoots as they end up in SVU's crosshairs. Why might these powerful men be under investigation? Oh, they just appear to be trafficking teen girls from St. Fabiola's to their closed-door sex parties featuring a slew of city employees who will gladly abuse their power to turn the tables and go after Tucker and the SVUs hot on their trail. By the end of the first part of this compelling two-parter, bodies have dropped, careers are in jeopardy, and acting and accent choices put an otherwise high-quality episode in dire straits.
Episode 158: Her Screams of Agony Are One of the High Points of the Episode, Emotionally (S5E3 Mother)
Two dipshit wannabe writers on an uptown depravity tour lead the detectives at SVU into a truly outlandish world populated by avenging sister-moms and serial-rapists-made-good who are pushed back into serial raping by the heavy-handed approach of Stabler & Co. Along the way we learn about cleaning fish, proper wine breathing etiquette, and whether or not Ricardo from the Java Barn is the right guy to ask for illicit hard drugs. This episode revels in the early season insanity. Does it make sense? Does it have to?
Episode 151.1 - The We Biffed Sabrina Getting Arrested for Getting an Abortion Addendum with Special Guest Isabel (S9E3 Impulsive)
Sometimes Adam and Josh are idiots. In this instance, they glossed over a PRETTY MAJOR plot point in S9E3 Impulsive because they were bored with how SVU generally deals with abortion, totally missing the VERY PROBLEMATIC moment where the Unit essentially arrests Sabrina the Teenage Witch for aborting her rapist's baby. Thankfully, our Munchie Isabel was there to hold us to account in this bonus convo.
Episode 129: Man, This One Really Suffers from My Own Special Victims Unit Derangement Syndrome (S4E23 Grief)
Elliot meets another father of a daughter, only the other father's daughter just died in an alley having just been sodomized, meaning there's some sympathy pain for Stabes to experience. These fathers are both on a tear, and it's hard to say who does more damage in this one. Of course, there are tangents, including a dive into the NYPD's heinous brutality done unto Abner Louima, so hold onto your butts.
Episode 119: No, Rollins Is a Tactile Detective (S19E18 Service)
Why does Rollins hate sex workers? Why is Wayne Knight only in this episode for two minutes? Why did they commit zero screen time to showing why the perp did what he did? Why did they rip this story from the headlines to inelegantly wedge trans rights into the final third of the show? We watched "Service" from Season 19, and ideally there would be answers to all of those questions, but the Season 19 qualifier is all you actually need to know. There may not be answers to your questions. Such is life in Season 19 of SVU.
Episode 106: She’s Summoning the Monolith (S15E1 Surrender Benson)
When last week's episode ended with Olivia Benson being taken captive by über-psychopath William Lewis, we knew that we'd be going deep into the darkest hour of SVU's storied run this week. This is 43 full minutes of torture porn so bleak and visceral that it's honestly shocking it aired on network television. Please prepare yourself for how messed up this episode is. Thankfully, Josh and Adam munch it up by talking about a diverse range of European arthouse classics you wouldn't want to bring a date to, our coffeeshop orders, and whether or not Pizza Man exists within the Fur Humper Cinematic Universe. Oh, and lest we forget, Adam has an outlandishly bold theory which just might change the way you look at Olivia Benson forever. Enjoy!
Episode 99: Well She Apparently Has an STI, So Something Did Rub Off (S17E23 Heartfelt Passages)
The Munchie Boys pick up where they left off last week, trudging through the murk as Ray’s tall brother faces the fallout from having been charged as a serial rapist while the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association possibly threatens Barba’s life for having the temerity to come after one of their guys. This fallout includes the first—and thus far, only—time an officer on the Unit dies in the line of duty, which gives Adam and Josh quite a bit to mull over while wondering why the stakes were lowered so much before offing him. Any episode that has Chekhov’s gun go off while also not having Chekhov’s gun go off means there’s going to be plenty of plot discussion to be had. There are also plenty of discussions about the typically insane things that SVU forces one to reckon with, namely intimidation wizards, phantom door-locking chicanery, the hilarity of needing apple boxes in hostage shoots, and much, much more.
Episode 72: I Went to College, I Have a Skill (S19E24 Remember Me Too)
When we watched the conclusion to the two-part Season 19 finale ("Remember Me Too" Episode 24), we might have taken the opportunity to research the migration patterns of monarch butterflies or the structure of the Sinaloa Cartel or the various degree programs at Gonzaga were this a standard, functional installment of SVU. Instead, we were treated to a mind-melting melange of unbelievable plot lines, inconceivable character motivations, and abysmal acting. Was it good? Obviously not. Did we have fun watching and then excoriating this complete and utter waste of network resources? You bet we did.
Episode 71: His Loafers Are Bepissed Now (S19E23 Remember Me)
What happens when the season from which light cannot escape—SVU’s 19th—bestows upon the world a two-part season finale? An unintelligible, unmitigated disaster. Reality and common sense fold in on themselves, and we’re all left to try to make sense of the hellish mess that is “Remember Me” (S19E23). When character motivation, logic, and how technology actually works are entirely discarded, you are left with a confounding mélange of nonsensical dialogue and wild conclusions with nary a passing relationship to reality. Needless to say, this ride—a wild one for all the wrong reasons—gave the Munchie Boys plenty to discuss.