Classic, Novak, Peak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Classic, Novak, Peak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 102: Schizophrenic Pantene Commercial (S5E6 Coerced)

Wherein the Munchie boys dive into an episode that treats schizophrenia with an altogether un-SVU-like degree of nuance. Along the way, we wrestle with the consequences of our actions as we are forced to issue the very first Munch My Benson correction thanks to listener, Kara, who noted that Connie Nielsen's accent shenanigans were explained in the show, and in the SVU Fandom wiki page. Josh dog sits, Adam gets into a fight with pharmacy employees, and we go extremely deep on the munchiest of topics: the mechanics of Casey Novak's softball swing, window screen installation, the origins of the Albanian language, the many, many failings of CSU Burt Trevor, and a whole lot more.

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Episode 101: Did You See Amaro in that Towel? (S15E22 Reasonable Doubt)

Adam and Josh wrestle with a high-profile headline rip as Reasonable Doubt casts Bradley Whitford as the Woody Allen/Roman Polanski analog in an episode that doesn't do a particularly good job of establishing what its title might suggest it should: Reasonable Doubt. Rollins and Amaro don’t believe women, a faux celebrity couple act out the Woody/Mia divorce virtually note for note, and anti-Tibetan racism runs amok. In other words, SVU still SVUs. Adam looks into the Roman Polanski rape case and the victim and poses the ideal solution for what the US Government should do with the frozen real estate of Russian oligarchs, while Josh wonders whether this episode acts in tandem with the one that follows it in sequence to mete out some revenge on The West Wing. Y’know, Munchie stuff.

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Beckisode, Novak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Beckisode, Novak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 100: This Is A Hot Scene, Double Entendre Implied (S8E8 Cage)

It's our 100th episode of Munch My Benson, and what better way to celebrate than with an episode of Law & Order: SVU that does not have Olivia Benson in it at all. In classic fashion, The Randomizer threw us a curveball and drew a Beckisode fronted by Connie Nielsen for our benchmark podcast which features a stand-out performance from apex-child-actor, Elle Fanning. Come along as we discuss primary nuclear strike targets, NXIVM, the correct name for the 2008 film Rambo, and projecting a 17-year-old Josh Brolin.

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Two-Parter, Doddsisode, Barba, Late, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Two-Parter, Doddsisode, Barba, Late, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 99: Well She Apparently Has an STI, So Something Did Rub Off (S17E23 Heartfelt Passages)

The Munchie Boys pick up where they left off last week, trudging through the murk as Ray’s tall brother faces the fallout from having been charged as a serial rapist while the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association possibly threatens Barba’s life for having the temerity to come after one of their guys. This fallout includes the first—and thus far, only—time an officer on the Unit dies in the line of duty, which gives Adam and Josh quite a bit to mull over while wondering why the stakes were lowered so much before offing him. Any episode that has Chekhov’s gun go off while also not having Chekhov’s gun go off means there’s going to be plenty of plot discussion to be had. There are also plenty of discussions about the typically insane things that SVU forces one to reckon with, namely intimidation wizards, phantom door-locking chicanery, the hilarity of needing apple boxes in hostage shoots, and much, much more.

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Episode 98: His Refractory Period Is in Inverse Proportion to His Height (S17E22 Intersecting Lives)

Hot on the heels of an episode that nearly broke our rating scale, the Munchie Boys watched Part 1 of a two-parter featuring Ray Romano's kooky brother Robert from the hit turn-of-the-century sitcom for olds, Everybody Loves Raymond. Fans of that show will remember that the actor in question, Brad Garrett, is really, REALLY tall. This causes the kind of continuity problems that only SVU can create. We're obviously talking about complex genital geometry problems. We would, of course, be remiss if our discussion stayed on topic, so expect to hear about Chinese New Year, more car talk from Josh, Rikers Island, and Predator.

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Episode 97: I Don’t Like the Idea of Having Ninja Pedophiles Out There—That Scares Me (S12E12 Possessed)

Wanna hear what happens when an episode breaks the Munchie Boys and their patented SVU-episode scoring system? Well, “Possessed” (Season 12, Episode 12) broke it like the Kool-Aid Man. Next to every other of the 96 episodes they’ve watched so far, this beautiful piece of art had Adam and Josh contemplating some pretty grand concepts like: was Jerry Horne’s Twin Peaks walkabout really a representation of the liminal state at the end of his life where he was just looking for his Brandy? what exactly was contained within the pages of Buzz’s skin mags that Kevin couldn’t wrap his head around in Home Alone? where is the line where we progressives can stomach police brutality? are we seeing the tripartite peak of pedo performance?

If this were a podcast that employed trigger warnings, it’d probably have to get tagged with all of them. Instead, you are advised to hold onto your butts. There is simply an abundance of insanity that’s too fantastic to ignore. Bask in the glow of “Possessed,” listen, and rejoice.

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Pantheon, Brainmelter, Classic, Peak Josh Duggan Pantheon, Brainmelter, Classic, Peak Josh Duggan

Episode 95: They Dropped It Like Lindsey Dropped Her Tampon to Be Eaten by Killer (S12E5 Wet)

Did you know that Liv tells a suspect that she knows he “stabbed the Captain with a pickle?” That’s no typo. It’s in this beautiful episode of television.

The fates (and by fates, we mean, built for us by friend of the pod, Flet) elected to bestow upon the world the Valentine’s Day gift of Wetness—specifically S12E5 “Wet,” which is truly one of the most balls-to-the-wall, front-to-back utterly insane episodes the Munchie Boys have embarked upon in a podcast brimming to the top with insane installments. Moving past its fantastic name, this SVU is centrally concerned with: SexProwl, a professionally conceived “YouTube of sex” wherein true douchebros have a following; Soda being little more than poison for our youth; Corporations trying to buy up our water supply and the dastardly tactics they’ll employ to meet their goals; Fungi, which should never be used to hurt anyone; The true horrors that inherited wealth wreak upon the rest of the world, namely bad performance art, unwarranted cocksurety, jewelry-related guilting, unloving guardianship, drug addiction, and the framing of innocent mycologists for murder

Seriously. Mushrooms, soda being poison, water rights, and horrible rich people. And it gives David Krumholtz a truly Krumholtzian role to jazz rant his way through. This is all a gift to humankind, and we’re glad to be here for it.

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Novak, Amaro, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Novak, Amaro, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 94: Do Buffalonians Dream of Erotic Meats? (S13E5 Missing Pieces)

This week, the world's largest airline ensured that this episode could not be released on time. To all of the listeners whose Monday mornings were tragically impacted by this unfortunate event, we at Munch My Benson are truly sorry.

Sadly, the writing staff of Season 13 of SVU was absolutely unapologetic in thoroughly trashing the second largest city in the state that SVU calls home. We've seen this show look askance at lesser states and provinces across the continent, but the glee with which this episode implies that Buffalonians will stop at nothing to ensure that their own children grow up in unsafe homes is truly shocking. Josh and Adam, of course, talk early childhood education, examine the films of Satyajit Ray and Michael Cimino, describe bottomless brunches and lil' squeezers, and plumb the depths of Rollins's depraved backstory. Enjoy!

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Brainmelter, Cutter, Amaro Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Cutter, Amaro Josh Duggan

Episode 93: They Still Manage to Wedge in Some Racism, but It’s a Little Too Professional (S13E6 True Believers)

After kicking things off with Adam’s tales of neglected hot tub maintenance, the Munchie Boys step into the world of early Season 13 where a new writing staff ventures off into a Stabler-less world. Where some episodes may not be as boldly helmed and written, this is a fantastically directed, process-concerned contemplation on how a rape and its ensuing investigation affects the victim in the days and weeks that follow.

It also features Munch’s former Homicide fellow detective after an apparent name change from Frank Pembleton to Bayard Ellis, who is apparently now a civil rights defense attorney. Yes, this one’s got none other than 11-time Emmy nominee (and two-time winner) Andre Braugher. Don’t worry, we also talk at length about a cast member’s involvement in a meditation cult and how it colors our undying appreciation of Mandy, the undeniable sexual energy between Braugher and Hargitay, and the notion of an SVU without Olivia Benson which was apparently in the cards.

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Rollinsisode, Brainmelter, Carisi, Late Josh Duggan Rollinsisode, Brainmelter, Carisi, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 92: She Kind of Gets Mind-Raped by the Hawk (S21E8 We Dream Of Machine Elves)

This week we watched an episode unlike any other SVU in the catalog. A young girl from Kansas is abandoned by her Fireball-shooting friends, drugged with exotic psychedelics, raped, and forced to dig her own physical and metaphorical grave by the acolytes of a famed radical psychologist who just so happens to have been SVU's own resident Alice-In-Wonderland-expert Amanda Rollins's former guru. Between blue rape avatars, expensive music cues, and extensive literary references, things get pretty weird. This, of course, is all just fuel for the Munch fire as Josh and Adam discuss the hero's journey; pedicab culture; early 20th century Swedish folklore illustrator, John Bauer; famed ethnobotanist and drug user, Terrence McKenna; famed memoirist and sex haver, Anaïs Nin; and whether or not we're too old to pick up trendy new drug habits. This is a wild ride folks. Hold on tight!

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Brainmelter, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan

Episode 91: This Isn’t Even a Prison Rape Taunt, This Is Straight Up a Holding Cell Rape Taunt (S10E20 Crush)

Faced with an episode with a helluva third act left turn, Adam and Josh reckon with a first-half A-plot borrowing heavily from the Terri-Rick saga in Degrassi before the second half shockingly grasps for a ripped-from-the-headlines story with a crooked juvenile court judge inspired by the nefarious goings-on in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. This leads to an exploration of both the Luzerne County Kids for Cash scandal and the grotesque systemic judicial overreach currently happening in Rutherford County, Tennessee.

Don’t worry, Josh and Adam find plenty of non-infuriating things to talk about, including the bizarre connection between Melinda McGraw and Alex Kingston, delightfully impossible photoshopping, Icelandic reproduction clearance apps, Lehman Brothers tearing the US economy to shreds, the origins of sexting, what other franchise Stuckey really belonged in instead of SVU, and (of course) Meloni’s rock-hard buns.

Come get some.

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Livisode, William Lewis Saga, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Livisode, William Lewis Saga, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 90: We've Got Her Blooded, We Need to Shoot This Fast (S15E21 Post-Mortem Blues)

Josh and Adam get a little loose in this late-night follow up to last week's wild William-Lewis-fueled terror ride. Since "Post-Mortem Blues" is the rare SVU without a case for the squad to investigate, or really much of a plot at all, the Munchie boys complain about life and then wander from current (as of early December 2021) events and HBO's Succession, to method acting and the limits of attorney-client privilege on their way to placing this episode where it belongs in the show's pantheon.

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Late, Brainmelter, Barba Josh Duggan Late, Brainmelter, Barba Josh Duggan

Episode 87: You’d Think That the First Step in Friendship Is NOT Raping Somebody (S19E4 No Good Reason)

Yet another Season 19 episode of SVU leaves the Munchie Boys scratching their heads wondering in just what world is this even occurring. Opening with an improbable YouTuber montage and having the case of the week closing with a full seven minutes of run time remaining to open the door for an SVU lyceum at a high school, this week’s 13 Reasons Why-inspired episode (Season 19, Episode 4 “No Good Reason”) is operating at one of the strangest frequencies we’ve encountered. This one forces Adam and Josh to reckon with vlogging that makes Eighth Grade seem totally comfortable, how and when they’re going to have to get a ChatSlam account for the podcast, and the murky demise of Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell.

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Brainmelter, Stunt-casting Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Stunt-casting Josh Duggan

Episode 86: How Many Times Were Her Feet In That Cum? (S12E23 Delinquent)

On this week's Munch My Benson, we wonder openly if the world would be a better place if the two leading actors from a certain 1985 Peace Corps comedy had a little less chemistry. While we certainly do break down this Season 12 stinker ("Delinquent") from the dark days just before Meloni left SVU, we go hard on the digressions in this one folks, so get ready for the only SVU podcast brave enough to incorporate Dolph Lundgren's Japanese bonafides, Finnish art house darling Aki Kaurismäki, and radical fecal gymnastics in a single episode.

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Chicago Crossover, Brainmelter, Barba, Late Josh Duggan Chicago Crossover, Brainmelter, Barba, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 84: What Happens in the Box Stays in the Box (S16E7 Chicago Crossover)

This week, Josh and Adam are thrust into a terrifying world where the laws of physics and mankind are tossed aside without hesitation. That world is called Chicago. Our SVU for this week is sandwiched in between an episode of Chicago Fire (S3E7 “Nobody Touches Anything”) and a Chicago P.D. (S2E7 “They’ll Have to Go Through Me”). While one does not need to watch either of these to enjoy our SVU, we obviously dove into the deep end with a fun-loving crew of Vegas-visiting, zumba-instructing, bounty-hunting firefighters and then waded through the muck with a morally dubious band of police officers. It provided us with a veritable matryoshka doll of tangents within tangents as we break down all the action from nearly 3 hours of television. We talk Shirley Chisholm and the Chelsea Piers. We speculate about the kind of person who gets a Joe Paterno tattoo in 2021, and Josh gets Chicago pilled.

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Cabot, Peak, Classic, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Cabot, Peak, Classic, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 83: We’re Burning Through Pedos (S4E15 Pandora)

When proffered the box of “Pandora” (S4E15)—phrasing?—Josh and Adam were forced to deal with yet another episode of SVU wherein many children fell victim to an international cabal of pedos, complete with one getting to proudly espouse his party platform to the detectives of SVU and a network television audience. This one hurtles forward at breakneck speed, taking Elliot from New York to Prague and back before the final act has even started. Along the way, Adam and Josh marvel at the way that early SVU writers had no real concept of how computers and the internet worked, the defenestrations of Prague, the endless stream of actors who REALLY pass for pedos in the SVU stable, and the emergence of Zero Dark Stabler. We’ve said it many times previously, but the label definitely fits here—this one is wild.

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Episode 82: They Blackfaced the Unabomber (S15E3 American Tragedy)

We at Munch My Benson like to go off on tangents, and the intellectual fuel provided by "American Tragedy" (S15E3) propelled us pretty far out there. We learn about old New York when it was still basically New Amsterdam; we break down Cybill Shepherd's accent as it wavers in and out of caricature; we delve into the Trayvon Martin and Paula Deen cases from whose headlines this episode was ripped; we learn about John Cougar Mellencamp's extended family; and, we definitely talk about whether or not it's socially acceptable to deck a bald man in the middle of the night on a lonely street corner. Enjoy!

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Episode 81: Nina’s Grinding So Hard on Carisi’s Joint Here (S16E15 Undercover Mother)

Mere weeks after covering its successor in the Baby Doe Parentage Saga, the Randomizer selected “Undercover Mother” (Season 16, Episode 15) for the Munchie Boys to cover. Undercover Mother is frankly an insufficient moniker to give this episode, as another mother goes undercover for our undercover mother, along with most of the rest of the Unit. Insanity reins supreme as SVU’s undercover op interferes with Declan Murphy’s own undercover op, one in which he’s working on taking down the brutal Johnny D but not without showing that he’s in so deep that he’s basically a human trafficker himself. We talk the careers of Lili Taylor and Donal Logue, the history of the defunct Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, Eric Adams’s purported sleep schedule, SVU’s love for undercover ops, and much, much more.

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Munchisode, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Munchisode, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 80: Keep on Munching, Munch (S15E5 Wonderland Story)

It's a bittersweet week on Munch My Benson as we say goodbye to a character who predates Law & Order: SVU itself ("Wonderland Story" S15E5). Thankfully, John Munch's going away party gives us plenty to discuss. Josh talks for a solid ten minutes about a no-line featured extra (albeit a particularly influential one). Adam describes his ongoing, probably imagined, but possibly real feud with legendary playwright David Mamet. We also talk Delco accents, imagine Rollins's post-sobriety social life, and get deep into the world of caterer-waitress fetishism. Come revel in the storied career of one of televisions most memorable detectives, and please Munch everyone's Benson.

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Finisode, Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan Finisode, Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 79: Tons of Cut Dudes in This Episode, and We Don’t Get to See Any of It (S19E21 Guardian)

The Munchie Boys faced down a stark depiction of hard-scrabble life in the projects in Guardian (Season 19, Episode 21). As this is Chernuchin’s special brand of SVU, nuance is nowhere to be seen, and stereotypes nearly exclusively populate this world. But don’t think that just because this episode centers around a brother who’s pimped out his mother and sister that there aren’t the typical diversions, including a diatribe on French roast, a dive into the Five Percent Nation and its influence on ‘90s hip-hop and preservation of New York in 1968, and a brief discussion about the grotesque miscarriage of justice that was the arrest and conviction of the Central Park Five. It’s just another wild week in Munchland.

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