Late, Carisi, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan Late, Carisi, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan

Episode 118: They Weren’t Coming Back to Locutus (S21E20 The Things We Have To Lose)

We watched the impromptu finale of Season 21, which lost four episodes due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. While that might not have mattered in most seasons of SVU, Season 21 was trying to do some things which definitely demanded resolution. Of course we talk about a whole range of ridiculous topics including early attempts at adding serialization to weekly procedurals, post-modern philosophy, and the Borg. Apologies for weird sound, particularly on Adam's track. He was having some software issues which hopefully have been resolved.

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Two-Parter, Doddsisode, Barba, Late, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Two-Parter, Doddsisode, Barba, Late, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 99: Well She Apparently Has an STI, So Something Did Rub Off (S17E23 Heartfelt Passages)

The Munchie Boys pick up where they left off last week, trudging through the murk as Ray’s tall brother faces the fallout from having been charged as a serial rapist while the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association possibly threatens Barba’s life for having the temerity to come after one of their guys. This fallout includes the first—and thus far, only—time an officer on the Unit dies in the line of duty, which gives Adam and Josh quite a bit to mull over while wondering why the stakes were lowered so much before offing him. Any episode that has Chekhov’s gun go off while also not having Chekhov’s gun go off means there’s going to be plenty of plot discussion to be had. There are also plenty of discussions about the typically insane things that SVU forces one to reckon with, namely intimidation wizards, phantom door-locking chicanery, the hilarity of needing apple boxes in hostage shoots, and much, much more.

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Rollinsisode, Brainmelter, Carisi, Late Josh Duggan Rollinsisode, Brainmelter, Carisi, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 92: She Kind of Gets Mind-Raped by the Hawk (S21E8 We Dream Of Machine Elves)

This week we watched an episode unlike any other SVU in the catalog. A young girl from Kansas is abandoned by her Fireball-shooting friends, drugged with exotic psychedelics, raped, and forced to dig her own physical and metaphorical grave by the acolytes of a famed radical psychologist who just so happens to have been SVU's own resident Alice-In-Wonderland-expert Amanda Rollins's former guru. Between blue rape avatars, expensive music cues, and extensive literary references, things get pretty weird. This, of course, is all just fuel for the Munch fire as Josh and Adam discuss the hero's journey; pedicab culture; early 20th century Swedish folklore illustrator, John Bauer; famed ethnobotanist and drug user, Terrence McKenna; famed memoirist and sex haver, Anaïs Nin; and whether or not we're too old to pick up trendy new drug habits. This is a wild ride folks. Hold on tight!

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Late, Brainmelter, Barba Josh Duggan Late, Brainmelter, Barba Josh Duggan

Episode 87: You’d Think That the First Step in Friendship Is NOT Raping Somebody (S19E4 No Good Reason)

Yet another Season 19 episode of SVU leaves the Munchie Boys scratching their heads wondering in just what world is this even occurring. Opening with an improbable YouTuber montage and having the case of the week closing with a full seven minutes of run time remaining to open the door for an SVU lyceum at a high school, this week’s 13 Reasons Why-inspired episode (Season 19, Episode 4 “No Good Reason”) is operating at one of the strangest frequencies we’ve encountered. This one forces Adam and Josh to reckon with vlogging that makes Eighth Grade seem totally comfortable, how and when they’re going to have to get a ChatSlam account for the podcast, and the murky demise of Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell.

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Chicago Crossover, Brainmelter, Barba, Late Josh Duggan Chicago Crossover, Brainmelter, Barba, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 84: What Happens in the Box Stays in the Box (S16E7 Chicago Crossover)

This week, Josh and Adam are thrust into a terrifying world where the laws of physics and mankind are tossed aside without hesitation. That world is called Chicago. Our SVU for this week is sandwiched in between an episode of Chicago Fire (S3E7 “Nobody Touches Anything”) and a Chicago P.D. (S2E7 “They’ll Have to Go Through Me”). While one does not need to watch either of these to enjoy our SVU, we obviously dove into the deep end with a fun-loving crew of Vegas-visiting, zumba-instructing, bounty-hunting firefighters and then waded through the muck with a morally dubious band of police officers. It provided us with a veritable matryoshka doll of tangents within tangents as we break down all the action from nearly 3 hours of television. We talk Shirley Chisholm and the Chelsea Piers. We speculate about the kind of person who gets a Joe Paterno tattoo in 2021, and Josh gets Chicago pilled.

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Finisode, Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan Finisode, Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 79: Tons of Cut Dudes in This Episode, and We Don’t Get to See Any of It (S19E21 Guardian)

The Munchie Boys faced down a stark depiction of hard-scrabble life in the projects in Guardian (Season 19, Episode 21). As this is Chernuchin’s special brand of SVU, nuance is nowhere to be seen, and stereotypes nearly exclusively populate this world. But don’t think that just because this episode centers around a brother who’s pimped out his mother and sister that there aren’t the typical diversions, including a diatribe on French roast, a dive into the Five Percent Nation and its influence on ‘90s hip-hop and preservation of New York in 1968, and a brief discussion about the grotesque miscarriage of justice that was the arrest and conviction of the Central Park Five. It’s just another wild week in Munchland.

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Late, Stone, Brainmelter, Two-Parter Josh Duggan Late, Stone, Brainmelter, Two-Parter Josh Duggan

Episode 72: I Went to College, I Have a Skill (S19E24 Remember Me Too)

When we watched the conclusion to the two-part Season 19 finale ("Remember Me Too" Episode 24), we might have taken the opportunity to research the migration patterns of monarch butterflies or the structure of the Sinaloa Cartel or the various degree programs at Gonzaga were this a standard, functional installment of SVU. Instead, we were treated to a mind-melting melange of unbelievable plot lines, inconceivable character motivations, and abysmal acting. Was it good? Obviously not. Did we have fun watching and then excoriating this complete and utter waste of network resources? You bet we did.

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Late, Brainmelter, Livisode, Two-Parter Josh Duggan Late, Brainmelter, Livisode, Two-Parter Josh Duggan

Episode 71: His Loafers Are Bepissed Now (S19E23 Remember Me)

What happens when the season from which light cannot escape—SVU’s 19th—bestows upon the world a two-part season finale? An unintelligible, unmitigated disaster. Reality and common sense fold in on themselves, and we’re all left to try to make sense of the hellish mess that is “Remember Me” (S19E23). When character motivation, logic, and how technology actually works are entirely discarded, you are left with a confounding mélange of nonsensical dialogue and wild conclusions with nary a passing relationship to reality. Needless to say, this ride—a wild one for all the wrong reasons—gave the Munchie Boys plenty to discuss.

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Late, Carisi Josh Duggan Late, Carisi Josh Duggan

Episode 67: Junk Food Poetry (S21E5 At Midnight in Manhattan)

This week’s entry into the annals of Munchstory—SVU, S21E5, “At Midnight In Manhattan”—sent Adam and Josh caroming between three different stories in a rare exercise in single-weekend, multi-case, mom-card trumping storytelling, heavily featuring Carisi and Kat learning the ropes on their respective new jobs. Along the way, they decry the misidentification of doors, lament casting miscues, weigh the virtues of manners in new environs, and work their way through the indignity of seeing a slew of rich men’s knees. So come for the shoe-shaming, and stay for the nap chat whilst getting your Munch on.

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Episode 60: Spidey Sense, but for Sex Crimes (S21E13 Redemption in Her Corner)

For Father’s Day, the Randomizer decided to troll dads everywhere with a tale of woe and trauma that sure makes one father look AWFUL. We watched Redemption in Her Corner (S21E13). Don’t worry though because plenty of other people get some stink on them too because this is Law & Order: SVU, after all. As per usual, Adam and Josh go down innumerable rabbit holes—trying to figure out just what Liv’s birthday actually is, wondering what Barba was doing in Iowa investigating election fraud for primaries that don’t exist, the origins of the boxing for fitness craze, and the origins of Italian soups. Fathers everywhere should listen to remind them that there are a lot of bad dads out there, and they should work to make sure they’re not one of them.

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Brainmelter, Barba, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Barba, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 58: I Think We Can Assume Cassidy Is So Dumb That He Tries to Golf at a Disc Golf Course (S19E1 Gone Fishin’)

What happens when a new showrunner takes over Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and doesn’t understand the characters at all? Or how SVU tells stories? Well, the Randomizer selected “Gone Fishin’” (Season 19, Episode 1), so the Munchie Boys found out the hard way. Fin kidnaps a perp who absconded to Cuba? Dean Winters and Peter Jacobson coexist in an episode where Jacobson isn’t Bart Ganzel, Cassidy’s pimp employer from the Cragen waking up with a corpse in his bed three-part saga, challenging the strength of the space-time continuum? How ridiculous can a soundstage set that’s supposed to pass for Cuba get? The answers to these and so many other befuddling questions lie within the confines of this installment of Munch My Benson.

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Brainmelter, Carisi, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Carisi, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 57: This Is Kind of Peak Hand Job (S21E7 Counselor, It’s Chinatown)

This week the Munchie boys watched "Counselor, It's Chinatown" (S21E7) a wildly inappropriate Law and Order: SVU, which has Josh and Adam careen from such wildly disparate topics as: Is noted scumbag Chris D'Elia is a cardigan guy? Which professions suffered most during the Chinese Cultural Revolution? And, does the NYPD have an undercover dog requisition service? We'll rub and tug our way to the bottom of these and many, many more questions. Sadly, due to climate change, there is a lot of Max on this one.

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Late, Carisi Josh Duggan Late, Carisi Josh Duggan

Episode 55: The Definition of Wan (S22E7 Hunt, Trap, Rape and Release)

What do the business of sports, Adam's email inbox, Stockton California pizza chains, and the contents of Amanda Rollins's stately pleasure dome have in common? Well, they all come up in our especially tangent prone rundown of "Hunt, Trap, Rape and Release" (S22E7) Munch My Benson's first taste of SVU Season 22. Along the way, we rate the loudest blouses in SVU, the greatest challenges in home laundry, and the least believable cast members of Law & Order: Criminal Intent among many, many other topics.

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Ripped from the Headlines, Late Josh Duggan Ripped from the Headlines, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 45: There's A Goddamn Robot From Rocky IV And They Did Not Use It (S18E17 Real Fake News)

What happens when a quaint little ripped-from-the-headlines Law and Order: SVU plot becomes a raging storm of insanity that sweeps the nation and leads a ragtag mob of jet ski dealers, realtors, and Neo-Nazi extremists to invade the United States Capitol? Well, the Munchie crew does their level best to answer this question and many many more as they watched "Real Fake News" (s18e17). Do you want to know what a teenaged Adam was watching at 1 in the morning on Austin cable access? Are you intrigued by the concept of a hot pot fusion restaurant that fully immerses you in a 4D psychedelic experience? Are you ready to mainline some pro-MSG propaganda and get fully Umamipilled? Everything they told you is a lie, unless, of course, they told you to fire up this hot Munch My Benson.

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Late, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan Late, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan

Episode 40: Maybe They Just Assumed There Was Semen Because Warner’s There (S17E8 Melancholy Pursuit)

Did you ever want to “go from pool girl to cool girl?” Then have we got the episode of SVU for you. “Melancholy Pursuit” (S17E8)—the first Doddsisode in the Munchy canon—is ripped from a headline you never heard of and has a plot you’ll strain to follow, but have no fear because Adam and Josh will unlock its secrets. Why does the cold open have the only recognizable guest star in a total throwaway bit part? Who’s to blame for the case of the disappearing semen? What is a Sergeant Dodds? Can you leave City Island? Is there a more oversexed occupation than city bus driver? My one of the potential perps be Pam-huffing buds with a Munch alum? The answers to those queries and so many more lie within the run of this episode.

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Cassidysode, Late, Stone Josh Duggan Cassidysode, Late, Stone Josh Duggan

Episode 28: Winters Is Coming (S19E14 Chasing Demons)

For the 28th installment of Munch My Benson, the Randomizer forced Josh and Adam to watch an SVU that featured very little in the way of Law or Order but a whole lot of Mayhem. That's right folks, this episode, "Chasing Demons" (S19E14) brings SVU's favorite liability insurance pitchman, Dean Winters, back into the fold for 45 minutes of questionable acting choices. As ever, we digress. Does your mom's favorite SVU podcast feature spicy hot melon takes, comparative studies of European legal systems' wardrobes, or ruminations on the divine nature of the trinity? Didn't think so.

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Brainmelter, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 25: This Episode Is Putting a Big Space Between the ‘e’ and the ‘r’ in Therapist (S20E19 Dearly Beloved)

The Randomizer thrust Shiri Appleby back into Munchstory for the second time in three months in "Dearly Beloved," Episode 19 of Season 20. If you want an SVU where the entire field of psychotherapy called into question by a perpetrator/victim combination for whom the concept of truth is akin to cheap toilet paper you stole from your job, then this is the episode for you. Do good therapists tell their patients/victims that they suffer from erotic rape fantasy disorder? Short answer: no. Long answer: well, how's about you take a listen?

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Episode 21: Oh, Quaaludes, Cue Adam’s Drug Dive (S18E9 Decline and Fall)

With a ripped-from-the-headlines story owing to none other than serial dosing rapist Bill Cosby, Adam and Josh covered the disgusting territory laid out in Episode 9 from Season 18, “Decline and Fall.” If you’re wanting to hear the most repugnant filth spewing forth from the septuagenarian warden from The Shawshank Redemption, being repeatedly forced to envision him engaging in coitus, while having Prezbo’s biography recontextualized by an episode of Law & Order: SVU, this is the episode for you.

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Episode 3: Is that Staten Island Slang? (S19E8 Intent)

We dive into another ep of Law & Order: SVU. This time we learn about West Virginia, colostomy bags, how to pronounce Klatch properly, and the 2013 Miami Heat. We are watching Season 19 Episode 8 "Intent." In the podcast’s first foray into Ripped from the Headlines fare, the squad investigates a rape that isn’t quite what it seems. An MMA fighter nicknamed ‘The Monster” jarringly rapes an Instagram star, only to find out that she asked for him to rape her. Or did she?

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