Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Stone, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 227: No Good Has Ever Come from Snapping with a Chase (S20E20 The Good Girl)

A teen girl in a domestic disturbance call ends up being pregnant and unwilling to divulge much information about who provided the batter for the bun in her oven. While fighting off the urge to vomit, the Munchie Boys dive into the disgusting reality of what stepkid smut would have you believe is titillating but ABSOLUTELY is not. They also take up arms in a fight that must be waged, defending the honor of a state being unjustly impugned by a writers staff with wanton disregard for actual laws on the books.

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Cabot, Peak, Classic, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Cabot, Peak, Classic, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 226 - Inferno The Musical (S2E12 Secrets)

We all remember that great teacher from high school who would go the extra mile for all of their students. This episode of SVU presupposes that that exemplary educator is most likely a gang-bang addicted sex-club enthusiast on the side. This wild ride takes us from the heights of the pre-2.0 internet to the depths of "Dante's Inferno" and to every lurid second unit photo shoot in between. We need to give special mention to both art department who spared no depravities in their work for this episode, and for the outstanding quality of the background actors, who give (too much?) life to their wordless roles.

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Barba, Brainmelter, Late, Amaro Josh Duggan Barba, Brainmelter, Late, Amaro Josh Duggan

Episode 213: He’s a Senile Train Perv (S14E8 Lessons Learned)

SVU takes on the tony world of upper-crust prep schools, which would often be quite the turn-off for the Munchie Boys, but an episode that could otherwise have fallen into any number of traps is buoyed by fantastic performances from some heavy hitters. The gloves come off and whoever had it in for prep schools in the Season 14 writers room lucked out and got Charles Grodin, Elliott Gould, Anthony Rapp, and Buck Henry to come in and knock it out of the park in a story focused on an institution that didn't just fail its charges--it serially and systemically sexually abused them.

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Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Novak, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Novak, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan

Episode 151: This Is Basically SVU’s Rashomon (S9E3 Impulsive)

This installment of SVU pits very recognizable teacher against an also recognizable student in a he-said-she-gonorrhea'd-me/she-said-he-raped-me exercise in who can we believe for the Unit and the audience. Sure, the teacher is Sabrina/Clarissa, but if we know anything about this show, it's hard to believe the potentially stuntcasted. And, yeah, the kid is basically known for playing quiet lunatics, but they can't both have done it, right? This one's fun AND strains credulity in all the best ways.

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