Episode 163: Maybe They Could NOT Talk About Murder Weapons Up Butts in Front of His New Girlfriend? (S15E9 Rapist Anonymous)
Recovery is not going smoothly for Rollins this week, as she is unwittingly dragged into an all-caps MESSY ménage à quatre that ends up making her look like a dupe. Could be worse, though, she could be the guy who does a post-head header off a rooftop. Things get messy, but this is a Rollinsisode, so that should be expected. Does that excuse her going for Nate with that awful hat, though. That's a hard no.
Episode 162: Poor Dude Thinks He Prejacked a Kid (S23E13 If I Knew Then What I Know Now)
This week, SVU investigates the coldest of cold cases while dishing out hot servings of delicious Amanda Rollins fan-service content and heaping portions of Staten Island food. Rollisi come clean, Rolldhun never happens, and Benson meets two-time National League Cy Young Award winner, Jacob DeGrom.
Episode 159: He Feeds Off the Smirk of His Clients (S23E5 Fast Times @TheWheelhouse)
Late SVU gets down with influencer incubators this week, and we're treated to some pretty epic douchebros treating an up-and-coming TikToker very badly. This means there's timely pop music punctuating the cold open, some pretty brutal implementation of influencerese, and some odd Organized Crime storylines crossing over into this episode. It's a strange world we're stepping into this week, but that doesn't mean there's not plenty of Rollisi-related content to keep us going.
Episode 157: I Don’t Think She’s a Val Gal (S19E11 Flight Risk)
Imagine a world in which pilots were quasi-celebrities before having performed some heroic feat. No really imagine it. Then imagine a world where the heroic feat they perform to make them even more famous could only have happened because 9/11 must not have happened and a pilot could be left alone in a cockpit, locking the entire flight crew out while she erratically turns the plane around because she doesn't want to be trapped in the cockpit with her rapist. Then imagine that this is all occurring at an airline with a retrograde hypersexualized ad campaign that harks back to the ads for which Dick Wolf was responsible in his ad man days. Because this SVU does all that.
Episode 150: He Sucks Off His Own Carpet (S20E5 Accredo)
This week we meet a sex cult based in a mansion located north of Manhattan, so you know we are getting deep into a NXIVM-based, ripped-from-the-headlines SVU. Along the way, we talk knife handling, record collections, elite-level badminton, and extremely high-end security cameras. Also, Rollins is extremely pregnant (again), and this perp can smell the Al Pollack inside of her.
Episode 149: He’s Basically the Gentrifying Rapist (S17E19 Sheltered Outcasts)
Sonny Carisi gets down and dirty with some pretty gnarly dudes in this week's SVU, which sends dearest Dominick undercover into a shelter populated by paroled sex offenders. One (or more?) of these parolees appears to be raping neighborhood women and the Unit has to figure out who's doing it before Carisi gets beaten to a pulp by meathead vigilantes. Luckily Michael Rapaport is around to save Carisi's bacon once, but is he the guy? This mostly effective episode leaves Carisi wondering aloud if maybe the sex offender registry is unfair when compared to say a murderer who gets out and doesn't have to tell a soul that they cut off someone's head with a dull machete.
Episode 145: They’re Wasting No Time in Letting Logue Brogue (S15E17 Gambler’s Fallacy)
If there is an episode of SVU featuring a worse version of Bad Amanda Rollins, the Munchie Boys have yet to come across it. Gambling Amanda gets in Dutch with an improbable art forgery/gambling outfit who use her massive debts to them to get her to be their evidence-disappearing cop on the take. Rollins do so much to warrant her immediate firing that it's shocking she made it another decade past this. More than that, for a solid half-hour, we're left to think she was forced to blow Declan while he's undercover in his first appearance. Dark, bad stuff is afoot, but don't worry, we also take plenty of detours into improbable names paired with nonsensical accents, Logue going full brogue, and how being an art history major from an Ivy makes you immune from the heat.
Episode 142: I'm Not Gonna Kink Shame a 12-Year-Old (S23E11 Burning With Rage Forever)
In our first brush with Season 23, the Randomizer (episode.lol) gifted us with the sight of that precious little Baby Boy Doe himself locked in a cage being forced to eat dog food by one of his friends. This kind of depravity only happens on SVU, folks. Of course, the madness only begins there as we are treated to a truly bonkers world where no child is ever, EVER safe. Along the way, the Munchie Boys go way off the rails with loads of esoteric content. Fans of that stuff will really enjoy the unedited Patreon edition which features an additional 40 minutes of fun.
Episode 141: Tension’s Building in the Amandolas Relationship (S16E8 Spousal Privilege)
Josh and Adam--both of whom are pretty big fans of Cutty in The Wire--are forced to watch an episode this week where Chad L. Coleman is seen Ray Rice-ing his special lady friend, played by the wonderful Meagan Good. That's not fun to watch, but it's also not fun to watch the SVUs acting against the victim's vehement wishes. It's even less fun to watch after Amaro (who is just back from beating a perp to within an inch of his life) blows up in the opening scene of "Spousal Privilege" (Season 16, Episode 8), making the audience wonder just what qualities in outburst-prone people determine that they get a second chance.
Don't worry, the Munchie Boys also use this episode to revel in RedChanIt, take notice of how many of the SVUs were abused as children, and dive deep into the life of NYC’s first black mayor, David Dinkins, who randomly had two lines in this episode.
Episode 138: There's No Freezer Burn In That Hair (S20E10 Alta Kockers)
Have you ever heard the old joke about the longest-running scripted drama in television history doing a bizarre ripped-from-the-headlines episode about two aging, hoarder brothers as a convoluted excuse to say nasty slurs on primetime TV? Oh, you haven't? Well, after you've seen "Alta Kockers," you will have. Oh, and one of these brothers, who hasn't left his mother's house since 1976, somehow becomes the literary voice of the present generation via his anonymously published novel. Sure.
This one is about as absurd as SVU gets, but thankfully wonderful moments from legends Judd Hirsch and Wallace Shawn, and some truly standout background acting prevent this from being an all-time stinker.
Plus: Special Contibutor Natalie graciously joined Josh with a dissenting opinion to tell us why our ranking of 'Service" (S19E18) which we covered in MMB 119 - No, Rollins Is A Tactile Detective was unfair.
Episode 137: I Have Known People Who Served; They Do Talk Like Humans (S18E12 No Surrender)
What happens when a trailblazing female Army Ranger is sexually assaulted, jeopardizing a nationwide media blitz? The Munchie Boys found out this week, and whatever it was, it wasn't fun. Or good. Or memorable. Go along for the ride as they investigate Army guidelines for haircuts, bizarre Army propaganda, full pressers out of nowhere, and false accusations undercutting our victim's status as sympathetic figures.
Also find out how Adam liked his leaf-peeping that possibly infected an entire train full of yahoos, get more Hudson Fjord talk, and follow along as Adam and Josh wonder from what universe this truly unprofessional episode of SVU came.
Episode 136: They Really Shared a Moment Over Those Chickpeas (S20E13 A Story Of More Woe)
Both Josh and Adam were a little sick when they recorded this one, but not nearly as sick as the twisted minds inside Michael Chernuchin’s SVU writers’ room who crafted this byzantine scheme wherein a 13-year-old girl convinces her 15-year-old sister to murder their own father, so she can become adopted by and live with the love of her life, a 30-something weirdo who lives down the hall who reads Shakespeare with her. Obviously, the Munchie Boys are forced to confront The Bard among many, many other topics including the real reason no one on SVU orders food at the Square Diner and the many spellings of “Catherine.”
Episode 135: Only SVU Is Able to Backdoor in Some Kiddie Porn (S17E3 Transgender Bridge)
To say Law & Order: SVU's historic treatment of the transgender community is fraught with problems is an understatement of epic proportions, and this week's episode--S17E13 Transgender Bridge--makes, ummm, progress? Of course, it's incremental at best, and much of the ground gained is immediately lost by jamming the episode full of racial stereotyping that plays rough.
This week's episode pushed the Munchie Boys so far out of their comfort zone that they brought in reinforcements in the form of a guest segment (for Munchies, this will be as an entirely separate Bonus Episode) with gracious trans listener Summer, who hopefully makes up for the two cishet honkies who host this weekly show and is more qualified to speak on how this episode still had a lot of work to do to get things right.
Hold onto your butts. This is a long one.
Episode 130 - They Put a GoPro on a Dog and Let Him Run Wild (S17E4 Institutional Fail)
While SVU's attempts at sad morality plays about the children who slip through the cracks when publicly funded institutions are stripped to the bone to pay for advanced cod-pieces for our police forces don't always land, we at Munch My Benson always have plenty to discuss. When five-year-old Bruno wanders the streets in search of some tasty treats, did the store clerk try to get him arrested for shoplifting? When Benson goes hobnobbing with the hot stuff downtown, did her wardrobe match her pension status? Did Dodds just force Dodds upon the unit. Also, Rollins is ultra pregnant, and Whoopi Goldberg works a lot.
Episode 127: His Olfactory Detection Is Disgusting (S17E2 Criminal Pathology)
Picking up where we left off last week, things get even Durstier as ME/murderer Carl Rudnick jumps bail, leaving the Unit in his dust, making a break for the border, and giving us as close as we’re going to get to an SVU/Midnight Run mash-up. And of course, Rollins needs to keep being the Clarice to Yates's Hannibal, so he can smell how pregnant she is. Unlike a lot of two-parters, this one’s actually a lot of fun, with anything from Rollisi’s cholesterol-hardened livers and Buffalo fair game to be cut into on the slab.
Episode 126: Adam’s Corpse Power Rankings (S17E1 Devil's Dissections)
In Part 1 of an epic double-episode of SVU, we see Rollins Clarice-it-up with the truly disgusting serial killer Dr Greg Yates, whilst ME Rudnick Robert-Durst's-it-up in a shocking series of ante-mortem dismemberment murders. Along the way, we talk about State Fair fare, address justified criticisms of the podcast, and debate whether or not serial killers have a peculiar sense of smell.
Episode 124: Was He Blue-Balled Then Blackballed, or Was It the Other Way Around? (S17E15 Collateral Damages)
Sure, this SVU spends a lot of time presupposing that we are heavily invested in the lives of minor recurring characters, but it also introduces us to a delightfully crass BBQ slinger with a penchant for lewd double entendres and forces us to go down all kinds of wild Munchian rabbit holes. Does Rollins have a separate person for her vacations at clothing-optional, adult-only all-inclusives? What scandals have engulfed the world of professional canoeing? Is Adam capable of surviving as a single parent for more than a week? Did we just watch an extra torpedo a "career" in background acting for the chance at one pay bump? This is definitely one for the Munchie-curious as a full 45 minutes of banter about Josh's concert going, Lucas Duda, and the Yiddish language (among many, many other things) had to be left on the cutting room floor. Enjoy!
Episode 122: Bikram Bong Rip Class (S16E22 Parents' Nightmare)
We see what happens when a bad mom and a dad with a ludicrously bad plan to snap her out of her bad mom-ness get together to ensure that their loving and sweet 8-year-old boy will suffer in the foster care system for the next 10 years of his life. Along the way we meet a lovable homeless man and an oft-interrupted yoga class, and we learn about Adam's hot life and Josh's cat-like reflexes. Munch away!
Episode 120: A Hostage Situation, but for the Viewers (S19E13 The Undiscovered Country)
When we asked our Patrons to select an episode for us to watch, we were asking for a choice as depraved and cruel as this, the episode that see beloved ADA Rafael Barba exit the show in ridiculous (and frankly, insulting) fashion. This episode has everything--if by 'everything' you mean bad acting, nonsensical writing, bizarre plot holes, and Phillip Winchester attempting to cry. Bad though this episode might be, we have so much to talk about including whether or not it's a good idea to rear a spite child, Adam's day at the museum, and the importance of a showrunner. Fans of our digressions should head over to Patreon to hear extensive deep dives into Japanese Onsen culture and minor league baseball.
Episode 119: No, Rollins Is a Tactile Detective (S19E18 Service)
Why does Rollins hate sex workers? Why is Wayne Knight only in this episode for two minutes? Why did they commit zero screen time to showing why the perp did what he did? Why did they rip this story from the headlines to inelegantly wedge trans rights into the final third of the show? We watched "Service" from Season 19, and ideally there would be answers to all of those questions, but the Season 19 qualifier is all you actually need to know. There may not be answers to your questions. Such is life in Season 19 of SVU.