Stunt-casting, Bonus Episode Josh Duggan Stunt-casting, Bonus Episode Josh Duggan

Episode 151.1 - The We Biffed Sabrina Getting Arrested for Getting an Abortion Addendum with Special Guest Isabel (S9E3 Impulsive)

Sometimes Adam and Josh are idiots. In this instance, they glossed over a PRETTY MAJOR plot point in S9E3 Impulsive because they were bored with how SVU generally deals with abortion, totally missing the VERY PROBLEMATIC moment where the Unit essentially arrests Sabrina the Teenage Witch for aborting her rapist's baby. Thankfully, our Munchie Isabel was there to hold us to account in this bonus convo.

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Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Novak, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Novak, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan

Episode 151: This Is Basically SVU’s Rashomon (S9E3 Impulsive)

This installment of SVU pits very recognizable teacher against an also recognizable student in a he-said-she-gonorrhea'd-me/she-said-he-raped-me exercise in who can we believe for the Unit and the audience. Sure, the teacher is Sabrina/Clarissa, but if we know anything about this show, it's hard to believe the potentially stuntcasted. And, yeah, the kid is basically known for playing quiet lunatics, but they can't both have done it, right? This one's fun AND strains credulity in all the best ways.

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