Brainmelter, Pantheon, Novak, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Pantheon, Novak, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan

Episode 42: Whenever I Get Touched In An Unsafe Way, I Say Yes, Then I Make A Mess (S7E21 Web)

Another Paternity Leave Installment, and, yes, we're grabbing another wildly problematic episode pulled from the back catalog. As mentioned over the past couple of months, this has been behind the Patreon paywall for a while.

Where to begin with “Web” (S7E21)? Benson isn’t Stabler’s partner and is working in Computer Crimes. You’ve got the most aggressive sexualizing of a minor yet covered in the annals of Munch My Benson with Connor Paolo returning in one of the most insane episodes of SVU imaginable. There’s a shocking bout of TARU brutality. Kids are making mid-six-figures on their tween twink porn sites. Pedos are catfished. And the cold open's got the Molesto Muppets. This very episode was one of the handful Adam had in mind when the pod was a zygote in our hive-womb, and it DOES. NOT. DISAPPOINT.

Utter insanity abounds. Hold onto your butts, kiddos.

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Pantheon, Stunt-casting, Peak, Classic, Perfect 10 Josh Duggan Pantheon, Stunt-casting, Peak, Classic, Perfect 10 Josh Duggan

Episode 97: I Don’t Like the Idea of Having Ninja Pedophiles Out There—That Scares Me (S12E12 Possessed)

In conjunction with this week's interview with Michelangelo Milano, who plays Patrick Binder, Larissa/Brandy's boyfriend in this episode, we are dropping this classic episode back into the feed. Make sure to listen to Michelangelo's interview which dropped today, and check out his podcast, The Return Slot... Of Horror (YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify).

Wanna hear what happens when an episode breaks the Munchie Boys and their patented SVU-episode scoring system? Well, “Possessed” (Season 12, Episode 12) broke it like the Kool-Aid Man. Next to every other of the 96 episodes they’ve watched so far, this beautiful piece of art had Adam and Josh contemplating some pretty grand concepts like: was Jerry Horne’s Twin Peaks walkabout really a representation of the liminal state at the end of his life where he was just looking for his Brandy? what exactly was contained within the pages of Buzz’s skin mags that Kevin couldn’t wrap his head around in Home Alone? where is the line where we progressives can stomach police brutality? are we seeing the tripartite peak of pedo performance?

If this were a podcast that employed trigger warnings, it’d probably have to get tagged with all of them. Instead, you are advised to hold onto your butts. There is simply an abundance of insanity that’s too fantastic to ignore. Bask in the glow of “Possessed,” listen, and rejoice.

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Pre-history, Brainmelter, Pantheon, Stablersode Josh Duggan Pre-history, Brainmelter, Pantheon, Stablersode Josh Duggan

Episode 207: I’ve Known Five Boys Who Went JonBenét (S1E21 Nocturne)

Getting kicked back into the Pre-History of SVU could have been jarring for the Munchie Boys, but Nocturne had them speculating that it might have served as a blueprint of sorts for the Neal Baer years. Despite not having guest stars who Adam or Josh knew, this episode really landed a tragic story of long-term abuse begetting another cycle of abuse. We were also thrown into a somewhat lengthy discussion of the McMartin preschool trial fed by the Satanic panic of the mid-'80s (and prosecutorial misconduct, overzealous investigators, bunk leading interviewing of hundreds of children, and wildly unprofessional behavior of people in the media who were literally in bed with the prosecution) thanks to a throwaway line from Cragen.

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Brainmelter, Rollinsisode, Barba, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Rollinsisode, Barba, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 200: Tearful iPad Reunion (S14E6 Friending Emily)

For our 200th episode, the Munchies let the sword of Damo-Kim drop. That's right folks, this week we watched the episode that introduced the most dysfunctional sibling in the entire SVU universe, Kim Rollins. We are also treated to a "never let your teen daughters go to New York" A-plot, which postulates that there are hordes of child pornographers hanging out in hotel lobbies across the city, ready to pounce on unsuspecting teens who are sick of museums. This was much more fun than expected, enjoy!

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Episode 135: Only SVU Is Able to Backdoor in Some Kiddie Porn (S17E3 Transgender Bridge)

To say Law & Order: SVU's historic treatment of the transgender community is fraught with problems is an understatement of epic proportions, and this week's episode--S17E13 Transgender Bridge--makes, ummm, progress? Of course, it's incremental at best, and much of the ground gained is immediately lost by jamming the episode full of racial stereotyping that plays rough.

This week's episode pushed the Munchie Boys so far out of their comfort zone that they brought in reinforcements in the form of a guest segment (for Munchies, this will be as an entirely separate Bonus Episode) with gracious trans listener Summer, who hopefully makes up for the two cishet honkies who host this weekly show and is more qualified to speak on how this episode still had a lot of work to do to get things right.

Hold onto your butts. This is a long one.

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Episode 97: I Don’t Like the Idea of Having Ninja Pedophiles Out There—That Scares Me (S12E12 Possessed)

Wanna hear what happens when an episode breaks the Munchie Boys and their patented SVU-episode scoring system? Well, “Possessed” (Season 12, Episode 12) broke it like the Kool-Aid Man. Next to every other of the 96 episodes they’ve watched so far, this beautiful piece of art had Adam and Josh contemplating some pretty grand concepts like: was Jerry Horne’s Twin Peaks walkabout really a representation of the liminal state at the end of his life where he was just looking for his Brandy? what exactly was contained within the pages of Buzz’s skin mags that Kevin couldn’t wrap his head around in Home Alone? where is the line where we progressives can stomach police brutality? are we seeing the tripartite peak of pedo performance?

If this were a podcast that employed trigger warnings, it’d probably have to get tagged with all of them. Instead, you are advised to hold onto your butts. There is simply an abundance of insanity that’s too fantastic to ignore. Bask in the glow of “Possessed,” listen, and rejoice.

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William Lewis Saga, Barba, Livisode, Pantheon Josh Duggan William Lewis Saga, Barba, Livisode, Pantheon Josh Duggan

Episode 89: They’re So Balls Deep in Starting Their Affair That Benson’s Able to Slip Their Tail with No Resistance (S15E20 Beast’s Obsession)

Having drawn the all-timer “Beast’s Obsession” (S15E20) this week, the Munchie boys reckon with the Unit reckoning with Sgt. Olivia Benson reckoning with an escaped William Lewis, in quite possibly the torture-porniest episode of SVU in its storied history. With one of the most infamous perps in the 23-year-and-counting history of the show heinously raping, disfiguring, and dropping bodies left and right, Adam and Josh are left to watch in horror as Liv is once again shown to only be able to have a sex life in which violence is a key component and as featured extras are ignominiously and exploitatively corpsed for what they hope was at least SAG scale. They also lament the end of two acting careers before they’d really been able to begin, as two very young females were put through the violently sexually inappropriate grinder to further the horrific legend of Liv’s biggest tormentor.

As always, Adam and Josh veer off course with reckless abandon, exploring such varied topics as the job prospects for audition-shy mandolinists in NYC, the proper placement of dream catchers, why this show is so clearly anti-Bang energy drink, whether it’s gauche to lay the groundwork for an extramarital affair while working a protection detail, and Adam’s personal bridge rankings and grocery store journey through New York. So strap in for a wild ride, as Liv goes is on the bullet train to hell and we're all passengers alongside her.

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Peak, Pantheon, Brainmelter, Novak Josh Duggan Peak, Pantheon, Brainmelter, Novak Josh Duggan

Episode 42: Whenever I Get Touched In An Unsafe Way, I Say Yes, Then I Make A Mess (S7E21 Web)

Where to begin? Benson isn’t Stabler’s partner and is working in Computer Crimes. You’ve got the most aggressive sexualizing of a minor yet covered in the annals of Munch My Benson with Connor Paolo returning in one of the most insane episodes of SVU imaginable. There’s a shocking bout of TARU brutality. Kids are making mid-six-figures on their tween twink porn sites. Pedos are catfished. And the cold open's got the Molesto Muppets. This very episode was one of the handful Adam had in mind when the pod was a zygote in our hive-womb, and it DOES. NOT. DISAPPOINT.

Utter insanity abounds. Hold onto your butts, kiddos.

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Classic, Novak, Peak Josh Duggan Classic, Novak, Peak Josh Duggan

Episode 14: Death, or Christian Entertainment (S8E21 Pretend)

It's a postmodern joyride for our hosts this week, as Adam and Josh confront one of the stranger episodes of Law & Order: SVU, "Pretend" episode 21 from season 8. Storylines are layered on top of each other like a fresh spanakopita, and various meta-narratives are exposed: Is casting a 25-year-old who can pass as a teenager to play a 28-year-old who passes for 16 a function of the plot or an indictment of the entire entertainment industry? Can luchador and extreme wrestling mix? Will Adam ever get a quiet moment again? Add in gimp masks, grief nuts moms, and sex offenders rights activists ,and you'll begin to appreciate the level of madness that awaits within.

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