O'Halloranisode, Classic, Lake, Novak Josh Duggan O'Halloranisode, Classic, Lake, Novak Josh Duggan

Episode 19: Nothing Screams Cancun Spring Break Like Moose Antlers (S9E18 Trade)

Thomas Jefferson once declared coffee “the favorite drink of the civilized world,” but the wild world of coffee trading on display in Season 9, Episode 18, “Trade” would seem to imply that it’s also the favorite drink of loaded scumbag fathers who look eerily like the pater familias in the Christian-propaganda family dramedy 7th Heaven. In the O’Halloraniest SVU in Munchstory, Adam and Josh hit the mother lode. When a father knocking up his son's fianceé is far from the most shocking aspect of the episode, you know you've struck gold. This glorious, wildly inappropriate pun fest delivers the goods and then some. Along the way, we examine the dodgy tax haven that is Liechtenstein, marvel at the suspension of the laws of physics, wish we were on the second unit shooting this installment, and get incensed about the show's misunderstanding as to how the coffee trade actually works. Strap yourselves in, and get ready for a jolt because Reverend Camden was let loose, and the ensuing havoc knows no bounds.

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Classic, Novak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Classic, Novak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 18: Tramp Stamp Stop and Frisk (S8E7 Underbelly)

It is a wonder that "Underbelly" Season 8, Episode 7 passed NBC's Standards and Practices Department for any number of reasons. It sexually objectifies real-life 14-year-olds, it is extremely racist, it makes offhand references to piss play, and it takes us on a mind-bending Pynchonian journey to an interzone where The Wire both exists and does not exist depending on the exact placement of John Munch on the Eastern Seaboard. Join Josh and Adam as they unravel a bizarre case involving Stabler, Munch, Sister Peg, Beck (wait who?), and the cast of Season 4 of The Wire and learn about vintage Ferrari pricing, chemical spills in Nunavut, and the mating behaviors of 40-something divorced Dads.

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Classic, Pantheon, Novak Josh Duggan Classic, Pantheon, Novak Josh Duggan

Episode 16: The Birmingham Callback Is Too Mundane (S6E15 Hooked)

Between raging infernos, rank corruption, riotous anger, and rampant stupidity, the world is a challenging place, but co-hosts Josh and Adam have "been to the mountaintop" and aren't concerned about any of that right now. Folks, we just watched a pantheon tier Law & Order: SVU, "Hooked" Episode 15 from Season 6. Hayden Panettiere and her dead friend Lisa cut a swath of sexual devastation leading from a Queens clothing boutique straight into hearts and minds of Munch Heads everywhere. From horned-up stargazers and rage-crying dads to sex bracelets and "a little girl-on-girl action," this episode has something for everyone.

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Classic, Novak, Peak Josh Duggan Classic, Novak, Peak Josh Duggan

Episode 14: Death, or Christian Entertainment (S8E21 Pretend)

It's a postmodern joyride for our hosts this week, as Adam and Josh confront one of the stranger episodes of Law & Order: SVU, "Pretend" episode 21 from season 8. Storylines are layered on top of each other like a fresh spanakopita, and various meta-narratives are exposed: Is casting a 25-year-old who can pass as a teenager to play a 28-year-old who passes for 16 a function of the plot or an indictment of the entire entertainment industry? Can luchador and extreme wrestling mix? Will Adam ever get a quiet moment again? Add in gimp masks, grief nuts moms, and sex offenders rights activists ,and you'll begin to appreciate the level of madness that awaits within.

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Classic, Warnersode Josh Duggan Classic, Warnersode Josh Duggan

Episode 12: I Don’t Want to Go Crazy Defending a Child Molester Here, But… (S7E13 Blast)

In an alleyway on the Upper West Side, there is a portal to realms that lie beyond human comprehension. Of course, the dedicated detectives of the Special Victims Unit do nothing to investigate this mystery. They also neglect to investigate the sudden, shocking death of a mostly innocent man. In fact, it’s not clear that there is a proper investigation going on here at all. Still, Adam and Josh do their level best to reckon with “this insane fever dream of an episode” called “Blast,” Episode 13 from Season 7.

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Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 11: This Might Be the Rapiest Bar In New York City (S2E10 Consent)

Adam and Josh wrestle with GHB, a reality in which Benson was in a sorority, the continued mistreatment of the homeless, super rapey college bars staffed by enabling deviants, theorize the genesis of Christopher Meloni's entrée into Wet Hot American Summer, and apocryphal baseball lore which can only mean one thing: they watched "Consent," Episode 10 from Season 2 of Law & Order: SVU.

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Classic, Brainmelter, Cabot Josh Duggan Classic, Brainmelter, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 9: What Do You Propose, A Tumescence Exam? (S3E10 Ridicule)

The Randomizer gave the world "Ridicule" (Season 3, Episode 10) this week, and it's a magnificent gift. Featuring guest stars Paige Turco and Diane Neal as not Casey Novak, this one delves into the spicy world of male strippers and autoerotic asphyxiation while asking the age-old question: can a woman rape a man? What about three women, commonly called a rape troika? It's an episode for the whole family to enjoy, so do yourself a solid and watch and listen!

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Munchisode, Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan Munchisode, Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 8: Sweet Talk, Sugar Mouth (S2E7 Asunder)

To quote Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "Into each life some rain must fall / Some days must be dark and dreary." In the life of Munch My Benson, S2E07 "Asunder" is one of those dark and dreary days. Though the subject matter is almost as grim as the acting, we hold our heads high as we break down the cringe-iest lines and the worst performances. Have you ever considered the efficacy of social distancing in the year 2000? Are you familiar with the lethal range of an airborne cast-iron skillet? Are you brave enough to play street ball against some bad cops? The MMB boys keep a stiff upper lip as they answer these eternal questions, and more.

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Classic, Cabot, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Classic, Cabot, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 6: It Was The Best Of Culkins, It Was The Worst Of Culkins (S5E2 Manic)

This week we watch "Manic," Season 5 Episode 2 of Law & Order: SVU. In it, Big Pharma, global capitalism, and a few incompetent middle school employees conspire to place a loaded hand gun in the deranged hands of one Rory Culkin. He humiliates then murders two of his bullies on the order of the voices in his head which belong to none other than the legendary carnival game and romantic comedy icon, Zoltar. We discuss important topics including revolutionary theory and whether or not this episode constitutes the peak of the extended Culkin universe. Come along for the ride. Be safe.

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Classic, Cabot, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Classic, Cabot, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 5: Who’s the Perfect Victim for a 90-pound Twerp Perp? (S4E19 Juvenile)

The Randomizer bestows upon us the gift of "Juvenile," Episode 19 from Season 4. The Unit faces a real doozy of a case when an unlikely pair of tweens breaks in to the improbable apartment/grow-house of a terminal cancer patient, who gets kid-raped and stabbed 38 times with a paring knife. As the investigation and trial proceed, we're exposed to the wonderful world of dumpster markers, azoospermia, and delicious ruminations on vomit, before being forced to reckon with the existential quandary of our times: who is the perfect victim for a 90-pound rapist?

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