Episode 169: Whoever Put This Smut on Her Computer Entered Through a Cyber Back Door (S10E21 Liberties)

Strange things are afoot this week, as this SVU starts with an ex stalking his former flame from Rhode Island to the Big City and catfishes a rando into raping her via a rape fantasy website and then takes a wild left turn when the judge presiding over the case becomes convinced the perp is his son who was kidnapped when he was three years old. To make things even weirder, he enlists none other than Elliot Stabler to handle the investigation into this cold case. There are huge leaps and ghost babies in the concrete in this one. Prepare yourself.


Mapp, Dunaway and Huntley Hearings - the most common pre-trial hearings in NY - Dusenberry Law

New York State Law Requiring Video Recording of Interrogations Takes Effect - Innocence Project


Divorcio Suave - "Munchy Business"

Thanks to our gracious Munchies on Patreon: Jeremy S, Jaclyn O, Amy Z, Nikki B, Whitney C, D Reduble, Tony B, Zak B, Barry W, Karen D, Sara L, Miriam J, Drew D, Nicky R, Stuart, Jacqi B, Natalie T, Robyn S, Isabel P, Christine L, Amy A, Sean M, Jay S, Briley O, Asteria K, Angie H, and Suzanne B - y’all are the best!

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Check out Munch Merch: Munch Merch at Zazzle

Check out our guest appearances on: Storytellers from Ratchet Book Club, …These Are There Stories (Adam and Josh), both of us on FMWL Pod (1st Time & 2nd Time), both of us talking about The Thin Man on Chick-Lit at the Movies, and Josh talking SVU/OC on Jacked Up Review Show

Visit Our Website: Munch My Benson

Email the podcast: munchmybenson@gmail.com

Next Week's Episode: Season 13, Episode 13 "Father's Shadow"


Episode 170: A Fur-Humping Compilation Tape (S13E13 Father’s Shadow)


Episode 168: Elliot Gets a Monkey Text (S12E16 Spectacle)