William Lewis Saga, Barba, Livisode, Pantheon Josh Duggan William Lewis Saga, Barba, Livisode, Pantheon Josh Duggan

Episode 89: They’re So Balls Deep in Starting Their Affair That Benson’s Able to Slip Their Tail with No Resistance (S15E20 Beast’s Obsession)

Having drawn the all-timer “Beast’s Obsession” (S15E20) this week, the Munchie boys reckon with the Unit reckoning with Sgt. Olivia Benson reckoning with an escaped William Lewis, in quite possibly the torture-porniest episode of SVU in its storied history. With one of the most infamous perps in the 23-year-and-counting history of the show heinously raping, disfiguring, and dropping bodies left and right, Adam and Josh are left to watch in horror as Liv is once again shown to only be able to have a sex life in which violence is a key component and as featured extras are ignominiously and exploitatively corpsed for what they hope was at least SAG scale. They also lament the end of two acting careers before they’d really been able to begin, as two very young females were put through the violently sexually inappropriate grinder to further the horrific legend of Liv’s biggest tormentor.

As always, Adam and Josh veer off course with reckless abandon, exploring such varied topics as the job prospects for audition-shy mandolinists in NYC, the proper placement of dream catchers, why this show is so clearly anti-Bang energy drink, whether it’s gauche to lay the groundwork for an extramarital affair while working a protection detail, and Adam’s personal bridge rankings and grocery store journey through New York. So strap in for a wild ride, as Liv goes is on the bullet train to hell and we're all passengers alongside her.

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Episode 65: That’s How You Get Throat Gonorrhea, Kids (S16E19 Granting Immunity)

This week’s selection is Law & Order: SVU’s swipe at the anti-vax movement—“Granting Immunity” (S16E19)—which puts the vulnerable Baby Doe in the path of a measles outbreak spawned by the casual dismissal of science by rich dick Tribeca parents who clearly know more than epidemiologists and have conspired to circumvent New York’s mandated vaccinations for all students. This leads the Munchie Boys to investigate just what started this anti-vax MMR-causes-autism nonsense that’s since metastasized in much more widespread and nefarious ways. Don’t worry, there’s also plenty of fun to be had, including (but not limited to) the virtues of Susie Essman, the horrors of opening montage music, the hilarious inappropriateness of filmed teenage sex parties, and the watercooler TV-watching habits of the dedicated detectives of the Special Victims Unit. Is this the scariest episode of SVU in Munchstory? Only one way to find out.

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Brainmelter, Peak, Dickiesode, Cabot Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Peak, Dickiesode, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 43: Another Second Unit Photoshoot Gone Wild (S11E8 Turmoil)

Though "Turmoil" (S11E8) was not the best SVU in the series, this slapped together melange of homoerotic fan service, intra-Stabler household drama, impossible travel times, and substandard professional ethics does provide the Munch My Benson boys with plenty of food for thought: Did Dickie Stabler kill Bin Laden? Just how many bodies did Elliot drop this episode? And, of course, is redemption even possible in this economy?

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Late, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan Late, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan

Episode 40: Maybe They Just Assumed There Was Semen Because Warner’s There (S17E8 Melancholy Pursuit)

Did you ever want to “go from pool girl to cool girl?” Then have we got the episode of SVU for you. “Melancholy Pursuit” (S17E8)—the first Doddsisode in the Munchy canon—is ripped from a headline you never heard of and has a plot you’ll strain to follow, but have no fear because Adam and Josh will unlock its secrets. Why does the cold open have the only recognizable guest star in a total throwaway bit part? Who’s to blame for the case of the disappearing semen? What is a Sergeant Dodds? Can you leave City Island? Is there a more oversexed occupation than city bus driver? My one of the potential perps be Pam-huffing buds with a Munch alum? The answers to those queries and so many more lie within the run of this episode.

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