Late, Stone, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Late, Stone, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 119: No, Rollins Is a Tactile Detective (S19E18 Service)

Why does Rollins hate sex workers? Why is Wayne Knight only in this episode for two minutes? Why did they commit zero screen time to showing why the perp did what he did? Why did they rip this story from the headlines to inelegantly wedge trans rights into the final third of the show? We watched "Service" from Season 19, and ideally there would be answers to all of those questions, but the Season 19 qualifier is all you actually need to know. There may not be answers to your questions. Such is life in Season 19 of SVU.

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Pino Years, Barba Josh Duggan Pino Years, Barba Josh Duggan

Episode 13: I Don’t Feel Like Wesley Crusher Could Take Care of Himself (S15E8 Military Justice)

After reckoning with the horrific current events aspect of this week's installment, Adam and Josh get down to brass tacks with "Military Justice," which depending on where you watch it is either Episode 7 or 8 from Season 15 of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. We discuss the essence of Galveston, the most heinous crime in the Boschiverse, the general self-preservation skills of ensigns, and Rollins straight-up laying a dude out, while marveling at a shockingly good episode of SVU complete with efficacious character development and some real tearjerking moments. And a lot of peen.

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