Episode 198: Dr. Tim, Medicine Wanker (S24E12 Blood Out)

We're back with the third and final installment of the Season 24 BX9/Oscar Papa epic which began with Benson nearly getting hacked to death on the street outside her apartment. This time we get a lovely little diversion in the form of a Fin and Terry Bruno side quest in the Bronx. Before SVU can finally turn the screws on super criminal Oscar Papa, we witness the shocking end of a recurring character, and we end with a famous case of fan service blue balls.

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Episode 197: It’s Like She’s Getting Pumped for Her WWE Fight (S24E11 Soldier Up)

Still in Three-Parter Land, the Munchie Boys tackle the middle chapter of the BX9 saga that sends our intrepid SVUs north to the Bronx, where they have to continue fixing Bronx SVU while Liv chases down the gang that took a run at her with machetes last week. This means Liv has to trust Captain Mike Duarte (a tall order for her), and this means that Duarte has to trust that Liv can relearn how to police without getting waylaid by tunnel vision, the thing that led to this situation in the first place but which Liv won't accede to being the case. Fortunately, we continue to get new blood working cases, which actually makes for some SVU that's probably more interesting than any 24th-season episode of a television show should be.

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Episode 196: Is the Breathalyzer Broken Cause Liv Seems Drunk? (S24E10 Jumped In)

In the first episode of a sweeping, mega, three-parter, Benson and Noah are nearly hacked to death by a crew of gangsters with a deep grudge. This sparks SVU to head north to the Bronx, meet some new and old friends, attempt to fix a massive NYPD screwup, and solve the rapes of 6, or maybe 12, young deaf girls. Get comfortable because we are going to be in this case for a while.

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