Bonus Episode Josh Duggan Bonus Episode Josh Duggan

BONUS EPISODE: What Did the Season Five Writers Room Have Against Mothers? (with Special Contributor Natalie)

Josh sits down with special contributor Natalie, who graciously dives into the themes of Season Five, chiefly just what had happened to the members of the SVU Season Five Writers Room to make them devote more than half a season to how horrible moms can be? Move over, men, because the damage moms do in this season is IMPRESSIVE.

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Peak, Classic, Novak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Peak, Classic, Novak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 116: Paperboy Is Housing a Bird (S5E16 Home)

If one were to carve a Mount Rushmore of bad moms out of someone's holy mountain, Diane Venora's character from this SVU would certainly be on it. This lady sucks a lot. While we get deep into her antics, we also talk about Adam's sickness (spoiler alert: he shouldn't have gone to that Yankees game), Belizean airports, nonsexual hygge snuggling, trashcan chicken, and Kenny Rogers.

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