Episode 28: Winters Is Coming (S19E14 Chasing Demons)
Another Paternity Leave Installment, and we we're digging into the back catalog for one we really didn't like... As mentioned over the past couple of months, this is content that's been behind the Patreon paywall for a while.
For the 28th installment of Munch My Benson, the Randomizer forced Josh and Adam to watch an SVU that featured very little in the way of Law or Order but a whole lot of Mayhem. That's right folks, this episode, "Chasing Demons" (S19E14) brings SVU's favorite liability insurance pitchman, Dean Winters, back into the fold for 45 minutes of questionable acting choices. As ever, we digress. Does your mom's favorite SVU podcast feature spicy hot melon takes, comparative studies of European legal systems' wardrobes, or ruminations on the divine nature of the trinity? Didn't think so.
Episode 185: We’re the Most Disgusting Second Unit in Television (S15E19 Downloaded Child)
In Season 15, the SVU writers room decided to revisit the subject matter of the Season 12 All-Timer "Possessed," wondering what it would be like without a Bud the Ninja Pedo gleefully pawing at pics of younger incarnations of their vics or other pedos defending themselves at trial by using the "of course my ejack was all over this pornographic physical media" defense. Well, the result here is harrowing. And, like, obviously, it probably should be. Yeah, it should be. But when it's played this straight, uhhhh, it's tough. It's also a pretty good platform for eventual White Lotus guest Meghann Fahy to strut her stuff.
Episode 58: I Think We Can Assume Cassidy Is So Dumb That He Tries to Golf at a Disc Golf Course (S19E1 Gone Fishin’)
What happens when a new showrunner takes over Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and doesn’t understand the characters at all? Or how SVU tells stories? Well, the Randomizer selected “Gone Fishin’” (Season 19, Episode 1), so the Munchie Boys found out the hard way. Fin kidnaps a perp who absconded to Cuba? Dean Winters and Peter Jacobson coexist in an episode where Jacobson isn’t Bart Ganzel, Cassidy’s pimp employer from the Cragen waking up with a corpse in his bed three-part saga, challenging the strength of the space-time continuum? How ridiculous can a soundstage set that’s supposed to pass for Cuba get? The answers to these and so many other befuddling questions lie within the confines of this installment of Munch My Benson.
Episode 33: Who’s Showering at Benson’s? - The Brotherhood of Big Bald Bosses (Part 2) (S14E1 Lost Reputation/S14E2 Above Suspicion)
In Part 2 of our deconstruction of the epic two-parter, "Lost Reputation/Above Suspicion" (s14e01), Josh and Adam get deep into the nitty gritty of the pressing questions that energize Munchheads the world over: Which French noir director had a better grasp of mise en scene, Jean-Pierre Melville or Henri-Georges Clouzot? Is consensual knife play more GGG than paying escorts to talk to pathetic old men? Is Dean Winters actually, after all these years, a good actor? Find out the answers to these important questions plus a breakdown of the massive amount of plot in this mega episode of Law & Order: SVU.
Episode 32: The Brotherhood of Big Bald Bosses (Part 1) (S14E1 Lost Reputation/S14E2 Above Suspicion)
If you thought that Munch My Benson would approach the hour-and-a-half-long Season 14 premiere mega-sode "Lost Reputation/Above Suspicion" with a pithy plot reconstruction and a few succinct comments, you were sorely mistaken. This televised love song to Dann Florek provided so much material for Josh and Adam that it had to be broken up into roughly equal parts. This week's topics include GamerGate, a Meadow Soprano drinking game, obscure Haitian rums, tulpas, Henry Winkler, and, of course, an in-depth history of the wizened, hairline-challenged, not-quite-leading men of television. Prepare for a wild ride.
Episode 31: It’s a Bad Way To Wake Up If You’re a Recovering Alcoholic (S13E23 Rhodium Nights)
The cliffhanging Season 13 Finale “Rhodium Nights” is an episode that belongs in the pantheon of SVU entries, featuring what has to be the most memorable ending in the entire series. This wild ride takes us down a slew of odd paths, including discoveries of Rollins’s economic beliefs, explorations into load volume, lamenting meddlesome US foreign policy, and travel recommendations for border towns. There’s TONS to talk about in this one, which is a truly shocking installment of television.
Episode 28: Winters Is Coming (S19E14 Chasing Demons)
For the 28th installment of Munch My Benson, the Randomizer forced Josh and Adam to watch an SVU that featured very little in the way of Law or Order but a whole lot of Mayhem. That's right folks, this episode, "Chasing Demons" (S19E14) brings SVU's favorite liability insurance pitchman, Dean Winters, back into the fold for 45 minutes of questionable acting choices. As ever, we digress. Does your mom's favorite SVU podcast feature spicy hot melon takes, comparative studies of European legal systems' wardrobes, or ruminations on the divine nature of the trinity? Didn't think so.