Episode 206: That’s Not Egg Foo Young on Your Tongue (S24E22 All Pain Is One Malady)

Saddle up as we discuss the fourth part of a five-part mega-crossover event between Laws & Orders Organized Crime and SVU. This week, we wonder if part-time adjunct professorship confers magical powers, while Josh becomes CBS-show curious. We also see Chief McGrath turn the flummoxed dial up to 11, and we see the last time SVU is graced with the presence of Detective Muncy as she's poochied off to the DEA, or DAs office, or something.

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Episode 202: The Mouthfeel Is Creamy (S22E9 Return Of The Prodigal Son)

The grand return of Elliot Stabler (and family) to SVU would probably hit harder if we were watching these eps in order one at a time. That, however, is not how we do things at Munch My Benson. Instead, we are treated to an investigation that is way, WAY outside the Special Victims Unit's purview, and which won't pay off in an episode of SVU (if it ever does). Still, it's fun to see how Dickie Stabler has grown up and to indulge in the wildest fan service fantasies that were surely swirling when this one first dropped.

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Episode 198: Dr. Tim, Medicine Wanker (S24E12 Blood Out)

We're back with the third and final installment of the Season 24 BX9/Oscar Papa epic which began with Benson nearly getting hacked to death on the street outside her apartment. This time we get a lovely little diversion in the form of a Fin and Terry Bruno side quest in the Bronx. Before SVU can finally turn the screws on super criminal Oscar Papa, we witness the shocking end of a recurring character, and we end with a famous case of fan service blue balls.

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Two-Parter, Doddsisode, Barba, Late, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Two-Parter, Doddsisode, Barba, Late, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 99: Well She Apparently Has an STI, So Something Did Rub Off (S17E23 Heartfelt Passages)

The Munchie Boys pick up where they left off last week, trudging through the murk as Ray’s tall brother faces the fallout from having been charged as a serial rapist while the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association possibly threatens Barba’s life for having the temerity to come after one of their guys. This fallout includes the first—and thus far, only—time an officer on the Unit dies in the line of duty, which gives Adam and Josh quite a bit to mull over while wondering why the stakes were lowered so much before offing him. Any episode that has Chekhov’s gun go off while also not having Chekhov’s gun go off means there’s going to be plenty of plot discussion to be had. There are also plenty of discussions about the typically insane things that SVU forces one to reckon with, namely intimidation wizards, phantom door-locking chicanery, the hilarity of needing apple boxes in hostage shoots, and much, much more.

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