Brainmelter, Lake, Novak, Classic, Peak Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Lake, Novak, Classic, Peak Josh Duggan

Episode 194: Pandora's Box Has Been Opened and Kokomo Has Been Unleashed (S9E4 Savant)

This week, we meet an Irish-American father-of-daughters who is even angrier than our own, beloved, Stabler. However, instead of 'swinging from a pole,' said daughter is possessed of superhuman hearing and a charming inability to be "normal" due to her Williams Syndrome. Thankfully, our super daughter is able to help the SVUs get to the bottom of just how many dudes were in mom's bedroom the night she was attacked, and exactly which noises they were loudly producing.

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Novak, Brainmelter, Lake Josh Duggan Novak, Brainmelter, Lake Josh Duggan

Episode 188: Stabler's Id Cries on Fin's Shoulder (S9E8 Fight)

A high-period Neal Baer episode which careens wildly from squabbling cub scouts to open-relationship-having MMA legends to racist frat houses and finally to Riker's Island prison gangs educated by one of the absolute legends of alt-country with a healthy dose of our favorite single season star, Chester Lake, thrown in. This SVU goes places none of us could have expected, including having one of the most recognizable guest actors in the episode die in the most disrespectful way possible after a single line of dialogue. It's really something.

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Episode 186: We Saw Edward James’s Olmos (S8E12 Outsider)

A series of seemingly unconnected rapes forces Fin Tutuola to join forces with a man who never sleeps. A man who knows the precise tenor and pitch of every recycling center's lunch whistle in the city limits. A man who walks. A man named Chester Lake. We also meet our first perpetrator who staffed the Obama White House, and one of the vics totally isn’t Amanda Rollins—she just looks like her, right?

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Pantheon, Classic, Peak, Novak Josh Duggan Pantheon, Classic, Peak, Novak Josh Duggan

Episode 56: She Just Wanted to Get Sticky Fingered (S9E11 Streetwise)

When questions like “If I die, and there’s a hot tub, can I be made a saint?” get posed, you know things got weird. This installment in Munchstory has Adam and Josh covering “Streetwise” (SVU - S9E11) like a blanket on a mattress--or a high society douchebag, apparently. This episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit has it all. Mae Whitman going from glitz to gutter and back again. STUNTS! Adam Beach. A bum family complete with a pretty messianic, serial killing, cult leader dad who isn’t afraid to go big. True Munchies will enjoy the divergent rides through high society, defunct Swedish automotive companies, the conditions necessary for beatification and the Christianization of the Welsh, defunct NYC music institutions, the nature of paintball, and much, much more.

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Finisode, Peak, Novak Josh Duggan Finisode, Peak, Novak Josh Duggan

Episode 51: You Can't Eat Ethan Hawke (S8E22 Screwed)

While we felt like the title of SVU season 8 episode 22 "Screwed" was a little on the nose, it did provide ample ground for the usual Munchie business. We brainstorm a potential series of extreme #Beachhead fanfic, Adam casts his dog's voice actor, and Josh proposes an elaborate conspiracy by the show runners against their own cast members. Enjoy!

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