Peak, Cabot Josh Duggan Peak, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 37: Our Job Is to Sit There and Enjoy It (S3E15 Execution)

The Munch My Benson Boys dive into yet another Season 3 ep of Law And Order: Special Victims Unit this week with "Execution" (S3E15), which forces us to confront a few disturbing questions: Can necrophilia be mundane? How did people choose a cable TV package in the early/mid 1990s? How much did Kristaps Porzingis break Knicks fans' hearts? And of course, how did Nic Cage's hair look so dang good in Con Air? Word of caution, this episode is extremely dark, even for SVU standards.

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Peak, Brainmelter, Cabot Josh Duggan Peak, Brainmelter, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 36: He Let Ed Teabag Him, Right? (S3E13 Prodigy)

In a true gem of an episode of SVU, The Randomizer spat out “Prodigy” (Season 3, Episode 13), which took Adam and Josh on quite the journey. Michael Pitt playing an apparent future serial killer and doing it spectacularly? Check. Continuing disparagement of van owners that cuts Adam to the bone? Check. Add the brainmelting first appearance of Mike Doyle as Not O’Halloran, staging victims in weird sexual poses so the perp can write about it for his prison masturbating buddies, the hazards of huffing Pam, and problematic content for days, and you’ve got the recipe for a truly special journey through the twisted darkness of the Dickwolf Universe.

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Peak, Cabot Josh Duggan Peak, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 35: 10 Hours Of Bone Sessions To Get To The Bones Bone Session (S3E17 Surveillance)

Emily Deschanel stars in Season 3 Episode 17 of SVU, Surveillance, which features a web of people who are all dangerously obsessed with the titular Bones star. This leads Josh and Adam down a litany of bizarre and digressive topics including, but not nearly limited to, Julio Cortazar, the best sexual positions for self-filming, David Boreanaz's bank account, and, of course, which instrument in the orchestra is the sexiest. Come along for a wild ride.

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Classic, Novak, Peak Josh Duggan Classic, Novak, Peak Josh Duggan

Episode 14: Death, or Christian Entertainment (S8E21 Pretend)

It's a postmodern joyride for our hosts this week, as Adam and Josh confront one of the stranger episodes of Law & Order: SVU, "Pretend" episode 21 from season 8. Storylines are layered on top of each other like a fresh spanakopita, and various meta-narratives are exposed: Is casting a 25-year-old who can pass as a teenager to play a 28-year-old who passes for 16 a function of the plot or an indictment of the entire entertainment industry? Can luchador and extreme wrestling mix? Will Adam ever get a quiet moment again? Add in gimp masks, grief nuts moms, and sex offenders rights activists ,and you'll begin to appreciate the level of madness that awaits within.

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