Simon Marsden Saga, Livisode, Peak Josh Duggan Simon Marsden Saga, Livisode, Peak Josh Duggan

Episode 228: He Has His Mitts in More than Just the Drawers Drawers (S8E16 Philadelphia)

If watching beloved characters make terrible choices thereby endangering the careers and lives of basically everyone they come in contact with is your cup of tea, then this week's SVU starts hot and keeps on delivering. In it, we see Detective Olivia Benson blunder from one bad decision to another in a bizarre attempt to share a few giggles with a brother she'd never met until she started running an unauthorized, after hours stakeout on him. We also see Stabler, without house or family since we are deep into Season 8's bad Stabler, come very close to being kicked off the police force as a result of covering for his partner, and of course we see our beloved Captain Cragen have to clean up his "two best detectives" bullshit so many times that I'm shocked he survived this one without a massive coronary.

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