Brainmelter, Peak, Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Peak, Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 181: I Think Dilbert’s the Juiciest Role (S4E8 Waste)

It wouldn't be a peak-era SVU episode if we weren't treated to an investigative red herring that eats up an entire act of television only to be discarded unceremoniously, forever forgotten and treated as though it never have happened. That misdirect usually isn't a NINE MINUTE NECROPHILIA KICK that plays as exploitative and shocking, leaving the audience's collective jaws on the floor, all while having the perp in question just brush up against the periphery of the Unit's case. It's a real shocker, and "Waste" provides it. It also has nothing to do with the pregnant woman in a permanent vegetative state who was knocked up while in the hospital.

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Peak, Ripped from the Headlines, Novak Josh Duggan Peak, Ripped from the Headlines, Novak Josh Duggan

Episode 44: But They Are Turning a Blind Eye When Munch Is Going to Steal That Kidney and Put It In Marlee Matlin (S6E22 Parts)

You know things get weird when Adam cops to snagging discarded prosthetic body parts from beside a dumpster, but that’s the journey that “Parts” (S6E22) takes the Munchie Boys on this week. A wildly discordant episode sends us careening from possible psychopathic killer dismembering his victims to the interesting world of the hasidim to body parts for sale to black market organ transplants, figuring out a way to shoehorn Marlee Matlin and Isiah Whitlock Jr. into the proceedings. Munch feels things. It delivers a bunch of cringe, and by the end, the severed head found in a Topaz with a throat full of seed is but a distant, resoundingly forgotten memory. Come for the insanity, stay for the deep dives on Haredi Judaism and a willed body mess that grew into a full-blown tempest.

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