Brainmelter, Novak, Peak Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Novak, Peak Josh Duggan

Episode 39: We're Looking At This Sandwich Handling Through Pandemic Eyes (S5E7 Choice)

Another Paternity Leave Installment, and this time we're going with one we DID. NOT. LIKE.

What do Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Knicks' great Allan Houston, and legendary Austin corpse defiler Laura Hall have in common? Well, they are but a small taste of the wild series of digressions the Munchie boys take as they review "Choice" (S5E7), an episode of SVU that features a host of recognizable actresses from the past. Small business owners and customer service professionals will be especially interested in Josh's excellent advice on how not to talk to your customers.

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Brainmelter, Cabot, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Cabot, Peak, Classic Josh Duggan

Episode 217: Always Be Brewing (S2E17 Folly)

This week's installment really takes the Munchie Boys on a wild ride, starting with a working boy stumble-crashing a wedding in his boxers, dipping its toes in the water with Finnish furniture design and Altoona-style pizza, and finishing with a perp stroking Elliot's hand asking if he's going to protect them. Along the way, we take a voyage through high-end gigolo culture, the world of political donors and ambassadorial appointments, and one of the most extreme instances of folie à deux imaginable for a married couple. This is a classic early season journey where we're a pinball flicked between weird plot points in a way that's truly refreshing after spending so much time in late-season SVU.

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