Brainmelter, Two-Parter, Tuckersode, Barba, Dodds Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Two-Parter, Tuckersode, Barba, Dodds Josh Duggan

Episode 177: This Is a Civil Servant Sex Party in All the Worst Ways (S17E17 Manhattan Transfer)

The power brokers in New York Law Enforcement and the Catholic Church seem to be in cahoots as they end up in SVU's crosshairs. Why might these powerful men be under investigation? Oh, they just appear to be trafficking teen girls from St. Fabiola's to their closed-door sex parties featuring a slew of city employees who will gladly abuse their power to turn the tables and go after Tucker and the SVUs hot on their trail. By the end of the first part of this compelling two-parter, bodies have dropped, careers are in jeopardy, and acting and accent choices put an otherwise high-quality episode in dire straits.

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Brainmelter, Rollinsisode, Late Josh Duggan Brainmelter, Rollinsisode, Late Josh Duggan

Episode 145: They’re Wasting No Time in Letting Logue Brogue (S15E17 Gambler’s Fallacy)

If there is an episode of SVU featuring a worse version of Bad Amanda Rollins, the Munchie Boys have yet to come across it. Gambling Amanda gets in Dutch with an improbable art forgery/gambling outfit who use her massive debts to them to get her to be their evidence-disappearing cop on the take. Rollins do so much to warrant her immediate firing that it's shocking she made it another decade past this. More than that, for a solid half-hour, we're left to think she was forced to blow Declan while he's undercover in his first appearance. Dark, bad stuff is afoot, but don't worry, we also take plenty of detours into improbable names paired with nonsensical accents, Logue going full brogue, and how being an art history major from an Ivy makes you immune from the heat.

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Livisode, William Lewis Saga, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Livisode, William Lewis Saga, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 90: We've Got Her Blooded, We Need to Shoot This Fast (S15E21 Post-Mortem Blues)

Josh and Adam get a little loose in this late-night follow up to last week's wild William-Lewis-fueled terror ride. Since "Post-Mortem Blues" is the rare SVU without a case for the squad to investigate, or really much of a plot at all, the Munchie boys complain about life and then wander from current (as of early December 2021) events and HBO's Succession, to method acting and the limits of attorney-client privilege on their way to placing this episode where it belongs in the show's pantheon.

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