Livisode, Finisode, Peak, Classic, Novak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan Livisode, Finisode, Peak, Classic, Novak, Brainmelter Josh Duggan

Episode 108: How Long Is It Going to Take O'Halloran to Wash the Dumpster Off? (S5E20 Lowdown)

This week, The Randomizer selected "Lowdown," which features Fin's exquisite description of "down low" culture. Sadly, this episode goes so hard on inappropriate "humor" that Josh was forced to make a running count of things you wouldn't (and shouldn't) say on TV in 2022. As we break this down, you'll hear about the police riot on Adam's block, Kevin Brown's sinker, and the art of mise-en-scène. You won't, however, hear the nearly 50 minutes of wild digressions about dumplings, Kenny Rogers, Kelvin's muscle boys, and the Kinsey scale unless you subscribe to our Patreon.

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Peak, Classic, Novak Josh Duggan Peak, Classic, Novak Josh Duggan

Episode 59: I’m Just Here for the Violence (S9E16 Closet)

As always, Law and Order: SVU manages to make a heartbreaking story ("Closet" S9E16) of one man's loss of his husband, his career, his brain function, and his celebrity into fodder for the Munchmill. We discuss our least favorite Oscar winners, lament the demise of office culture, shine the spotlight on a particularly bad grandpa, and spend entirely too much time discussing a character that is never seen nor directly heard from in the episode. Please rate and review and support other Indie Podcasts!

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