Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Amaro Josh Duggan Stunt-casting, Brainmelter, Amaro Josh Duggan

Episode 155: King Sebastian and the Manual Release (S14E7 Vanity’s Bonfire)

You'd think that an SVU centered around Scott Bakula tricking his mistress into putting their love child up for adoption would lend itself to hours of Quantum Leap conversation wondering just how Ziggy and Al let this whole situation get this out of hand, and that definitely happens, but so does a dive into a pretty heinous guest star, who lived through some gnarly trauma and then doled out plenty herself.

Just as important though, this episode emphatically chides parents who have the temerity to try to parent AND use their cell phones at the same time, and makes you wonder how more parents aren't clocking clear pedos at the park. If you ever wanted to know how to artificially inseminate your significant other in the comfort of your own home, Adam tries to tell you while Josh derails the conversation. And both Adam and Josh cry during this episode for very different reasons.

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Late, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan Late, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan

Episode 40: Maybe They Just Assumed There Was Semen Because Warner’s There (S17E8 Melancholy Pursuit)

Did you ever want to “go from pool girl to cool girl?” Then have we got the episode of SVU for you. “Melancholy Pursuit” (S17E8)—the first Doddsisode in the Munchy canon—is ripped from a headline you never heard of and has a plot you’ll strain to follow, but have no fear because Adam and Josh will unlock its secrets. Why does the cold open have the only recognizable guest star in a total throwaway bit part? Who’s to blame for the case of the disappearing semen? What is a Sergeant Dodds? Can you leave City Island? Is there a more oversexed occupation than city bus driver? My one of the potential perps be Pam-huffing buds with a Munch alum? The answers to those queries and so many more lie within the run of this episode.

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