Late, Stone, Brainmelter, Two-Parter Josh Duggan Late, Stone, Brainmelter, Two-Parter Josh Duggan

Episode 72: I Went to College, I Have a Skill (S19E24 Remember Me Too)

When we watched the conclusion to the two-part Season 19 finale ("Remember Me Too" Episode 24), we might have taken the opportunity to research the migration patterns of monarch butterflies or the structure of the Sinaloa Cartel or the various degree programs at Gonzaga were this a standard, functional installment of SVU. Instead, we were treated to a mind-melting melange of unbelievable plot lines, inconceivable character motivations, and abysmal acting. Was it good? Obviously not. Did we have fun watching and then excoriating this complete and utter waste of network resources? You bet we did.

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Late, Brainmelter, Livisode, Two-Parter Josh Duggan Late, Brainmelter, Livisode, Two-Parter Josh Duggan

Episode 71: His Loafers Are Bepissed Now (S19E23 Remember Me)

What happens when the season from which light cannot escape—SVU’s 19th—bestows upon the world a two-part season finale? An unintelligible, unmitigated disaster. Reality and common sense fold in on themselves, and we’re all left to try to make sense of the hellish mess that is “Remember Me” (S19E23). When character motivation, logic, and how technology actually works are entirely discarded, you are left with a confounding mélange of nonsensical dialogue and wild conclusions with nary a passing relationship to reality. Needless to say, this ride—a wild one for all the wrong reasons—gave the Munchie Boys plenty to discuss.

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