Episode 74: Butt Blood on a Calculator (S9E13 Unorthodox)

Another Paternity Leave Installment, and with an episode title like this, you know it was bound for a return to the public feed. Patreon payments are frozen for the time being. A few resourceful new Munchies have figured out a work-around where you can join as a free member and upgrade from there to a paid account which charges you for one month and unlocks the back catalog behind the respective tier of the paywall. After that first payment, you won't be charged again until we're dropping new content (which we'll warn everyone is coming), so if you want more of this it can be had, along with access to the fully uncut episodes from 100 to present and Movie Club episodes.

This week, the Randomizer blessed us with an unforgettable episode of Law & Order SVU ("Unorthodox" S9E13). It starts with an absolute bang and then careens madly between isolationist ultra-orthodox Jewish sects and porn-addicted preteens. Of course, we Munchers go even further afield as we question the existence of an upper peninsula, rank our favorite ape films, and uncover the supernatural engine that powers Casey Novak's courtroom success. This is truly an episode worth savoring. Enjoy!


Shlomo Helbrans - Wikipedia

The Vanishing - by Stephen J. Dubner - New York Magazine, November 23, 1992

Yeshiva Torah Temimah - Wikipedia

On the Rabbi’s Knee - by Robert Kolker - New York Magazine, May 12, 2006

Law and Order SVU’s “Unorthodox’s” Many Inaccuracies and Cringe-Worthy Moments - by Allison Josephs - Jew In the City, March 8, 2021


Divorcio Suave - “Munchy Business”

Thanks to our gracious Munchies on Patreon: Jeremy S, Jaclyn O, Amy Z, Diana R, Tony B, Zak B, Barry W, Drew D, Nicky R, Stuart, Jacqi B, Natalie T, Robyn S, Christine L, Amy A, Sean M, Jay S, Briley O, Asteria K, Suzanne B, Tim Y, John P, John W, Elia S, Rebecca B, Lily, Sarah L, Melsa A, Alyssa C, Johnathon M, Tiffany C, Brian B, Kate K, Whitney C, Alex, Jannicke HS, Roni C, and Nourhane B - y’all are the best!

Be a Munchie, too! Support us on Patreon: patreon.com/munchmybenson

Be sure to check out our other podcast diving into long unseen films of our guests’ youth: Unkind Rewind at our website or on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts

Follow us on: BlueSky, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Reddit (Adam’s Twitter/BlueSky and Josh’s Twitter/BlueSky/Letterboxd/Substack)

Join our Discord: Munch Casts Server

Check out Munch Merch: Munch Merch at Zazzle

Check out our guest appearances:

Both of us on: FMWL Pod (1st Time & 2nd Time), Storytellers from Ratchet Book Club, Chick-Lit at the Movies talking about The Thin Man, and last but not least on the seminal L&O podcast …These Are Their Stories (Adam and Josh).

Josh debating the Greatest Detectives in TV History on The Great Pop Culture Debate Podcast and talking SVU/OC and Psych (five eps in all) on Jacked Up Review Show.

Visit Our Website: Munch My Benson

Email the podcast: munchmybenson@gmail.com

The Next New Episode Once We're Back from Adam's Paternity Leave Will Be: Season 16, Episode 14 "Intimidation Game"

Munch My Benson Movie Club (for Episode 77): Captain America (1990) - on YouTube


Episode 39: We're Looking At This Sandwich Handling Through Pandemic Eyes (S5E7 Choice)


Episode 78: She Has Ears That Lend Themselves To Elfing (S13E22 Strange Beauty)