Pino Years, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan Pino Years, Ripped from the Headlines Josh Duggan

Episode 17: Fantasticaaaaaaa (S13E19 Street Revenge)

So this week the boys at Munch My Benson found out what happens when superheroes—yes, you read that correctly—infiltrate wild world of Law & Order: SVU: utter #$%&ing insanity. Yep, we watched S13E19 “Street Revenge,” and it’s probably safe to say that we haven’t watched a weirder one than this. On this journey through the absurd, we marvel at the brazen disregard for copyright law, the nonsensical and likely unsanitary world of brick chicken, and actors’ embellished CVs while exploring the New York outdoor basketball scene and the sad existence of real-life superheroes.

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