Munchisode, Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan Munchisode, Classic, Cabot Josh Duggan

Episode 8: Sweet Talk, Sugar Mouth (S2E7 Asunder)

To quote Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "Into each life some rain must fall / Some days must be dark and dreary." In the life of Munch My Benson, S2E07 "Asunder" is one of those dark and dreary days. Though the subject matter is almost as grim as the acting, we hold our heads high as we break down the cringe-iest lines and the worst performances. Have you ever considered the efficacy of social distancing in the year 2000? Are you familiar with the lethal range of an airborne cast-iron skillet? Are you brave enough to play street ball against some bad cops? The MMB boys keep a stiff upper lip as they answer these eternal questions, and more.

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