Finisode, Random ADA, Amaro Josh Duggan Finisode, Random ADA, Amaro Josh Duggan

Episode 114: Rollins Was About to Take a Tumble in the Back of a Hearse (S14E10 Presumed Guilty)

Sure, the bulk of this episode is a fairly by-the-numbers which-priest-was-the-pedo-and-which-was-merely-libidinous tale, but for a few delicious moments, we get to pull back the curtains and see what the Medical Examiner's office in the SVUniverse does on the rare night they let their hair down. This is a holiday party for the ages folks. It is the party that launched a thousand fan fiction stories. We also speculate on what Amaro and Rollins have, or have not, going on on Christmas Eve, among many other fun digressions.

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